Thursday, December 29, 2005

Guinie Pig Impacted Poop

a human level there is much to understand the importance, necessity and meaning of the law of God concerning human sexuality. It is very important that you come to understand it because we are rational beings and robots, but God does not want children to know why things are done.

Anyway you can not forget your faithfulness to God also passes in this issue: accept and live his teachings and law. The issue is with God, not things the Church says ... is good that you come to understand the reasons for the law of God, but beyond the understanding is a matter of personal loyalty to God.

Reject the will of God in sexual infidelity does not represent less than reject their presence in the Eucharist and the divinity of Jesus Christ. Reject his law on this issue is to reject its plan of salvation and the same .

anyone thought of the moral law might say "why do I have to ..." or "does not convince me," I do not like " "Too demanding", "not fashionable" ... I would be facing the problem very well as the starting point is "God asks me this," and the second step: "we will try to live it and understand it, asking God for help. " This order will come to understand, to live it and enjoy it (doing what God wants full life). In the reverse, almost never ... because I'm taking the place of God, deciding for myself what is good and what is bad.

So even when you do not understand or do not convince reasons ... there is a very important reason: "God willing", and that reason is the most important and definitive. And this is precisely the faith: trusting in God. We accept his word or not accept it.

On the other hand, think about slowly, dispassionately, you'll understand. It just takes an open mind and you're willing to change your lifestyle if they show the truth ... For God is most reasonable that there is: it's infinite wisdom and perfect. Also want the best: it is infinitely good. And you can not go wrong. And besides, the day we die we will be judged according to law ... not according to our opinions. It is clear that we do God a favor when we accept and live His law ...

And God what to do with sex?

Based on the information that God created man essentially gendered, so that human beings exist only as male or female, is seen to be something important in God's creative plan.

The premise before any consideration is that God created sex and gave the device's features. He gave up two unique qualities: to be the instrument to create new human beings and to unite two people so that they end up being just a

... Look if you will have to do, which is present creating an immortal soul every time an act sexual is fruitful. So much importance was attributed to wanted man take care of him as a great treasure. To use it exclusively, because the mutual self-giving love that is tied or there is exclusive or not, that simple.

Since God created sex, it is reasonable to assume that knows what is the best way to live, what damages it, etc.

Is God a killjoy?

is a sin, but can not be bad!

There are people who accept the authority of the Church and, therefore, assume that the use of sex outside marriage is sin. So go to confession when they screw up and experience Joy to recover the grace of God. However, if you ask some of them if they have done is bad in itself, a human level, they tell you with absolute certainty that no, how will it be bad if everyone is made and accepted and also is fun, you have a good. The only problem would be further driven home by the law of God.
not understand why it is "forbidden", they see you have something bad in itself. If we ask why is bad, the only answer is because it is sin. And why is sin? "Because God forbids

"So ... you think is not bad, I say
[i] .

- But is it sin?

- Do you realize what you're saying? If not bad, why is a sin?
"Because God forbid.

"So that's good, but God forbid.

"Then God is evil.

appears surprised. And they ask:
"Not possible, right? It does not seem very logical.
-No. If you do that is good in the human order can not be sin. Or, God forbid you be an evil for something so funny that he himself created.

"Then do not understand anything. Why is it bad? How can it be bad if everyone else does and says is good?
"If something is bad is because it ruins a good thing. Therefore, to understand why it is bad you have to understand what is good spoiling.

Then comes the time to explain what the role and meaning of sexuality in the whole person. Only positive means explaining what the reason for the negative.

the end, do not even need to draw the conclusions: the draw them by themselves:
"Then this I do is wrong, because it breaks another.

Commandments and the protection of the person

God so loved His creatures who wanted to protect their most important values \u200b\u200bto the negative precepts of the Decalogue: some commandments that do not support exceptions, precisely because they protect rights and fundamental human values.

Life: "You shall not kill" ... God tells others that you can kill me or offend me or hurt me ... because I'm worth a lot. It is not a fad that others can kill me ... is to defend the greatness of human life.

Sex, family, love, "Do not commit adultery," "not covet your neighbor's wife." God wants to protect love, children, prevent the person is used, protect the harmony and stability of the family ...

tangible property "shall not steal" "do not covet." Fundamental to the safety, harmony between people, tranquility, defending private property.

Trust among men: "Do not bear false witness or lie." Is essential for communication between people, so you can be trusted, that we may live.

If you study some theology of marriage, you will realize that Christ has also raised human sexuality to the dignity of a sacrament and therefore a path to holiness. The "problem" with sex is not concerned about something bad that should be avoided, but something too large, divine, sacred ... because it is intrinsically related to the self-giving love and the origin of life. Sacred and profane is a sacrilege.

The "rules" are not arbitrary ...

So that what is wrong, it is not because a pope has been raised in a bad mood one morning and been refused.

The reason that something is wrong is that God has forbidden only to test our obedience. If anyone thinks well conclude that we could have sent the opposite of those who sent us ... and then, if they have been made, would kill it, steal it would be worthwhile, be true would be a sin and infidelity deserves heaven.

But things are not so. God has a coherent project. Created man with a concrete nature, so to reach its fullness and perfection have to act a certain way, according to that nature you have.

If you eat poison man dies, but not because God has provided so whimsically, as if death were a punishment for disobeying his order not to eat poison. It dies because God created man so that there are some good foods for your body and other ill: that harm. This depends on chemical and biological laws of digestion and nutrition that God "set" in your body. We say "put" in the sense that it works: you are enrolled in the same physical nature as created by God.

The same goes for moral laws, which are those that lead to the fullness of perfection and therefore happiness.

The reason hedonistic vision of sexuality

As they teach you a lot of media about sex it all: before or after marriage, even without marriage, alone or with others or other, no matter what you do and with whom you do it: all that I meet is valid. But have you ever stopped to think why it all?

The answer is simple: because sex makes no sense.

Hedonism is a reductionism: it reduces man to his body, ignoring its spirit. No more. What is man? A piece of meat, period. No act, no gesture, nothing the man does have a meaning that goes beyond the corporeal. Nothing has a spiritual sense, and therefore human, simply because there is no spirit. Hence there is a deep sense of anything. Body Only, only capacity for pleasure. And nothing else.

So sexuality is understood and considered mere physicality. Disconnected from spirit, and therefore of love ... (spiritual activity of the will ...). Hence the call mere love of physical union, as if love were something purely carnal ... identified with the pleasure.

The "problem" is that the human sex animal sex is different. In animals is only a physical union ... and there can be more since they are only one body, stays there all. The man-hence his greatness, is much more than a piece of meat, and sexuality is a very deep meaning, express love, which reaches the depths of his being.
(Please do not call it love the pleasure of having fun with someone, love is something else!).

The trivialization of sex is tragic for the sex itself.

trivialize it means degrading. Reduce in value. Empty of meaning.

big thing, along with the origin of life and increased delivery possible between two beings, reduced to playing selfish pleasure, in which a person uses another to "get" the whole pleasure juice can ...

If sex is worthless, inconsequential , banal ... then use or abuse offers no problem. So there are no rules, with whoever you want, any way you like, whatever ...: premarital, extramarital, adulterous, homosexual ...

The problem begins when one considers sex as something big. The more you value it, the more he cares, is given a higher meaning, it affects the person most intimately ...

paradox: the more value sex and love, will be more demanding

Christianity has never considered sex as a really muddy, filthy, sinful in itself. Christian morality is challenging precisely because of the greatness attributed to sexuality. Aspire to better. Cree man is fully capable of love, really. I hope we can have a love faithful, exclusive, total, without deception or betrayal. It may be possible. why aspire to better. We do not settle for less. Although it costs. Worth paying the price of greatness.

The moral of "anything goes" is based on that sex has no value. Is trivial, no personal connotations. And that destroys the sex itself, degrades the person.

what sex has to do with marriage?

When thinking about sex, do not stay on a "permission" to make things pleasant. Can or can not? Is it a sin? How far can it? Andá further ... looking for true love.

is not permissions. Marriage is not a license to have sex.

Marriage does something amazing: two people joined in a unity of life "are no longer two but one flesh." When unite sexually, the union body expression of the unity that both are.

There is a fundamental difference between the spouses before and after marriage, before they were two who want to be one, then they are one. Before you have the desire to belong, then they belong. Marriage is not a role: it is an existential reality. Whoever understands this means a (pre-marital sex, divorce, contraception, faith, adultery, homosexuality ...). Who do not understand do not understand anything. So easy.

Once married are one flesh: the largest possible union. Image of the union of Christ and his Church (head and body).

not any "use" of sex is human . God wants sex to be lived in a truly human , ie integrated in the whole person: the only way will be an expression of knowledge and love-the highest of the individual. Two possibilities: either disconnected from the spiritual (mere expression of pleasure, is considered a mere game, played the trick): it is extremely selfish, using a person for their own enjoyment (instrumentalize) or profound expression person. Pleasure is the explosion body of the happiness of love of two people who are one. Is a consequence of the greatness that is done: the giving of two people.

Pretender use of sexuality without being married is a sham, a scam, a hoax. It's like trying to celebrate Mass before ordination would be a travesty, not even the day before the ordination, for the simple reason that the priest could not consecrate. The reality is different, very different.

Love is not love if it goes against the Love ...

either sex is not love.

Americans make surveys for all. Who enjoy sex more? Although surprised, the marriage with a traditional view of marriage. Why? Obvious: because sex is something that goes beyond pleasure: when you love, when expressed as a total surrender, sincere gift of himself ... the satisfaction is much higher. How big is that sex is not pleasure, is love.

is not a question of techniques ... but we should not conclude that prostitutes are the happiest people on earth ... and the reality is quite the opposite ...

It's about love on the extent real love, sex is full, rich, full. Otherwise it's just a selfish satisfaction that can not fill and satisfy, and leaves a bitter taste ...

is clear that sex is essentially about love. Without reference to love is pure prostitution. However, if you have a lot to do with love, has much to do with God. Because God is love (1 John 4.8).

If keeping His commandments is the most basic form of love, the most elementary logic concludes that violate his commandments can never be a way of loving.

silly fool not pretend. Do not try to have fun against Love All I would get it offend your Creator and destroy your capacity to love.

Why has such an impact on the spiritual life?

There is a very close relationship between love of God and the use of one's sexuality.

If we see from the sociological point of view, on the side of the spiritual consequences of impurity: what do you think is the main cause of separation from God? Competing pride, sloth and sensuality. No mistake ... A high percentage of people who stop practicing their faith ... do it for purity problems.

This is not accidental: The reason is that little of both God separated impurity.

The lack of purity blind to spiritual things. St. Paul put it well over two thousand years: "the natural man does not understand the things of the spirit of God are foolishness to him" (1 Cor 2.14). And before Jesus had proclaimed: "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." The impurity blind to see God. When a person who does not live their sexuality orderly says, "I do not see", "not understand" ... do not be surprised: it is a cause-effect relationship. You lose interiority: sensitivity to the spiritual. Then one bored the things of God, not "feel" anything Mass or in prayer. Has brutalized the soul the same thing happens to a person humanly rough: can not understand art.

also produces a growing dependence: disordered sexuality goes wild: it is addictive and progressive. Enslave (cf. 2 Pet 2.18 to 20).

From what is that, as is clear in Sacred Scripture impurity is absolutely incompatible with the Christian life . "For meat has desires against the spirit , and the spirit against the flesh, as being antagonistic to each other. (...) However, the works of the flesh are plain: fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, (...) drunkenness, orgies and the like, on which I warn you, as I warned that who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God "(Gal 5, 17 to 21 .)

who does not live well with their sexuality, that is, who does not live the virtue of purity, "is not capable of love: it is impossible, yours will be a pursuit of pleasure that makes the other in half-it reifies -.

with Christ God's law reaches its perfection

God's law is demanding because we are highly valued and because in matters of love minimalist calculations do not fit. It is because the purity is purity of heart, where there was love. It is not just a question of avoiding external events: to be faithful to the love (of God and others.)

There is a passage in which they go where the demand comes ... When Jesus says, "You have heard it said, 'Do not commit adultery. But I say: Everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart "(Mt 5.27 to 28). Look ... it's more "soft" miss chastity. Therefore, do not tell you if you speak, listen, desire, touching, kissing ...

Lo que pide, lo concede a quien se lo pide y se esfuerza…

Dios no sólo enseña como somos y qué es lo mejor para nosotros: nos da su gracia. La perfección de su ley, consiste en que nos enseña el camino, nos da la fuerza para recorrerlo y nos acompaña en el trayecto.

San Pablo habla de su propia experiencia: "Y por eso, para que no me engría con la sublimidad de esas revelaciones, fue dado un aguijón a mi carne, un ángel de Satanás que me abofetea para que no me engría. Por este motivo tres veces rogué al Señor que se alejase de mí. Pero él me dijo: « My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness . " Therefore gladly continue glory over everything in my infirmities, that dwell in me the power of Christ. So I am content with weaknesses, insults, in necessities, in persecutions, and calamities suffered by Christ, for when I am weak, then I am strong "(2 Cor 12.7-10)

And this is a very important reason for optimism: you can change, can be improved. There are those who admire the Christian moral perfection, but think it is an unattainable ideal: you can not aspire to much and have to settle with message ... It is not true because God does not ask the impossible: it would be unfair if I did. Not only before a judge hard look from outside: it is by your side helping you, supporting you, encouraging you, for you will be excited to be what it should be.

Scripture and purity of life

The Scripture is very clear how God intended us to live sexuality. Here I quote some passages so that you meditate.
· Ef 5.3-6: "The fornication and all impurity or greed even be named among you, as becometh saints. The same for the rudeness, the follies or jests, things that are not good, but rather thanksgiving. Because Bear in mind that no fornicator or impure or greedy - which is to be idolatrous - participate in the inheritance of the Kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain reasons, then why is it God's wrath on the rebellious. "
· Mt 5.8: "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God" Rom
· 8.5 to 8: "Those who live in the flesh what is carnal desire, but instead those who live in the Spirit want what is spiritual. However, the lust of the flesh leads to death, but the desires of the spirit leads to life and peace. because the desires of the flesh opposed to God, and which are not subject to law, nor can. Therefore, those who live according to the flesh can not please God. "
· Rom 8.12-13, "Brothers, we are not debtors to the flesh, to live a carnal way. If you live in the flesh will die. "
· Rom 1.24-32: "Therefore God gave them the desires of his heart to an impurity as to dishonor their own bodies since they exchanged the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever. Amen. So God gave them to degrading passions: for their women invested natural relations for unnatural others; also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their passion for each other, men doing shameless things with men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. And did not see fit to acknowledge God, God delivered them to their senseless minds, to do what they should not: filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, wickedness, filled with envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, ingenious in evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless, which, while knowing that God's verdict declared worthy of death those who practice such things, not only do them but approve those who commit . "
· Rom 7, 19-23: "For if at one time you brought your members as slaves to impurity and disorder to desordenaros, now also offer them to justice for sainthood. For when you were slaves of sin, you were free for justice. What then harvested fruits of those things that at present you ashamed? For its end is death. But at present, free from sin and slaves of God, fructificáis for holiness, and to eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God, eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. "
· Rom 13, 12-14: "The night is far spent. The day is coming. Lay aside, therefore, the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. As in the day, proceed with decorum: no binges and drunkenness, not in promiscuity and licentiousness, no rivalries and jealousies. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ more and not worry about meat to satisfy their lusts. "
· Gal 5, 17 - 21: "For the flesh has desires against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh, as being antagonistic to each other, so you do not do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, ye are not under the law. However, the works of the flesh are plain: fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, discord, jealousy, anger, quarrels, divisions, strife, envy, drunkenness, orgies and the like, on which I warn you, as I warned you that who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God . "
· Col 3, 4-10: "When Christ, your life, then you also will be revealed with him in glory. Therefore your members land mortified: fornication, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry, all of which attracted the wrath of God upon the rebels, and that you also carried out in another time, when you lived among them. But now you also cast aside all this: anger, rage, malice, slander, and foolish talk, away from your mouth. Do not lie to each other. Off the old with his works, and clothe the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of its Creator. "
• 1 Thessalonians 4.3-7: "... we gave you by the Lord Jesus. Because this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you turn away from fornication, that each of you know how to possess his body holiness and honor, and not dominated by passion, as the heathen do not know God . Let no one miss your brother or take advantage of it at this point, for the Lord will avenge this, as I already said and what we witnessed, as not God called us to impurity but to holiness '.
· Eph 4.17 to 19, "I say, then, this and charge you in the Lord, that ye may live longer as the Gentiles live, in the emptiness of his mind, his mind plunged into darkness and excluded from life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of his head which, having lost the moral sense, were given to debauchery, until play with abandon every kind of impurity. " Pe
• 2 2.7-10: "For if God spared not the angels who sinned, but, precipitates in the dark abyss of Tartarus, delivered them to be guarded until the trial, did not spare the ancient world, although preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, and seven others, when he brought the flood on an ungodly world, if ordered the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, making them an example for those who would live in the future wickedly, and if delivered Lot, a righteous man, oppressed by the licentious conduct of those dissolute men - for that righteous man, living among them, tortured day after day his righteous soul by the wicked deeds he saw and heard - is because the Lord knows how to rescue the godly tests and save to punish the wicked in the Day of Judgement, especially the that walk after the flesh with impure desires and despise government. Bold and arrogant, not afraid to insult the glory. "
• 2 Pt 2 "for happiness have the pleasure of a day stained and infamous men, delivered himself to the pleasures while they feast with you. Having eyes full of adultery , which can not cease from sin, enticing weak souls have hearts trained in greed, children curse! Abandoning the straight path, deviated and followed the path of Balaam, son of Bosor, who loved a salary of iniquity, but was rebuked for his wrongdoing. "
• 2 Pt 2, 18-20: "Speaking bad words, but empty, they allure through the lusts of the flesh and debauchery to those just to get away from those who live in error. They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of corruption, because one is slave of him who wins. For if, after moving away from the impurity of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, are again entangled therein and overcome, his last situation is worse than the first. "
· 1 Cor 6.13 to 20, " The body is not for fornication, but for the Lord , and the Lord for the body. (...) They not know that your bodies are members of Christ? How can I take the members of Christ to become members of a prostitute? No way. Do not they know that is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? (...) Avoid fornication. All other sins committed by man is outside his body, but immoral man sins against his own body. Do you not know that their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you and they have received from God? Therefore, you do not belong, but have been purchased, and at what price? Then glorify God in their bodies. "
• 1 Corinthians 6, 9-11: "Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the Kingdom of God. And such some of you were you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of our God. "
· AP 21, 8: "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, the immoral, sorcerers, and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. "
· Jude 7: "as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which are prostituted in a similar way to them, drifting against nature relations have remained as such, subject to the punishment of eternal fire."
· Hebrews 13.4: "respect for marriage and not dishonor the marriage bed, for God will judge the lustful and adulterous ."

Did not you hear the word of God? Do you think? Do we think God wants jorobarte the life?

If the 6 th and 9 th commandments did not exist ... the less people would have problems with the Church ... objections, attacks ... .... Many more would practice the faith. But no case we can not renounce the truth and the greatness of the Christian vocation.

be a Christian in a

not just "survive" without polluting, we have a positive impact: improving our environment: purifying an atmosphere charged with eroticism. That is the task, the mission of Christians.
In media saturated with sensuality, obsessed to sexuality (cf. 2 Pet 2.14), the difference must be noted (cf. Eph 4, 17-19). It is the first step.
And we need to know to explain the reasons of chastity and the sense of sexuality, to develop a superiority complex: it is true that a "pure love" is better: everyone knows, we all value.


plays in this field is our faithfulness to God and our mission in the world. Do not forget that we are the salt of the earth. If the salt loses its flavor ... who's going to be protected from corruption? It is therefore vital that the Lord asked us: "be not conformed to the world."

[i] The gist of this dialogue has been taken from Mikel Santamaria.

Paul Writes

Sunday, December 4, 2005

Cute Wedding Themes For 2010

"Sex ...? And why not ...? (I)

Use your head and be objective to discuss the issue

Some people think that men can not live without sex and that girls should please them from before marriage. To analyze whether or not this the first condition is to use the right ... because if "you think" the feelings the result may not be everything you'd want to sound. What we think is one thing and what we feel is quite another. This topic is very important to distinguish these two areas, reason and feeling, because sex is moved by passion and produces a very intense pleasure, and these two things obscure the intelligence.
is easy to fool yourself and others, just for the pleasure it brings sexuality, suggesting that in general it is theoretically bad, can even be good in your particular case. And you could find arguments that try to justify it. The best way to avoid scams is to look at the issue objectively, ie outside of one. It is clear that no one would like his sister or daughter to bed with anyone, even feel worse thinking about the mother herself acting in this way, ie having sex outside of marriage experience. So be honest with yourself, why wish for your girlfriend, whom I imagine want-so you do not want at all to the other loved ones? Is not it strange that inconsistency? No, it is not at all. Analyzing the case happens to other people you have the objectivity that is lacking in yours. Often in my conversations with children, I ask: "Would you marry a girl who has gone through various" beds ", the answer is always the same:" No ". It is clear that no one wants a second-hand wife. So answer: "if you demand what you're not willing to give, you're a ... "
To understand how and when to run the sexuality, it is necessary to understand what it is. And we must begin by understanding the human being ... This is not a treatise on anthropology. simply cast a series of grounds of common sense about sex. Taken separately, some may may be questionable. A single reason just might not convince you. suffice to understand and accept one among all, to share the conclusion. However, the force is in whole: it is definitive.

Sex, love and marriage

's sex is a really great. Both that touches the divine, in that God shares it with his creative power. This paper wants to warn of the risks of trivialization. For that analyzes the negative consequences of sex without true love. Some people confuse lust with love ... With so sad confusion, it is important to defend your sexuality, an impressive-for treasure that you are capable of a really great love.
The first question to ask is whether sex has something to do with love or is something like a game, for example playing cards. No one would ever demand love to play a game of tennis. If sex has anything to do with love, then you have some conditions.
In the same vein is that wonder if sex is something that is essentially related to marriage or not. Husband and wife have dinner together, but no one would say that eating together is an activity reserved exclusively for marriage.
If you do not see a clear difference between having sex inside or outside of marriage, your problem is you still have not understood what marriage is. Perhaps you think it is a part, a legal proceeding, without major consequences in reality.
Some people think that after marriage is wrong to have sex outside of marriage (ie being unfaithful), but the pre-marital sex is different. I do not know if you realize the inconsistency: outside marriage means someone with whom one is not married, and so out it before with anyone (including the groom himself) that then who is not her husband.
To understand the issue will realize that marriage establishes a single unit between a man and a woman, in the words of Scripture makes "one flesh", ie somehow are no longer two, but one. Something changes in people. Have given life and belong together.
A comparison. A seminarian may be very committed to his priestly vocation, but not before being ordained priest. You can have a great desire to be cured, but if to celebrate Mass before ordination, would make a sacrilege and of course not consecrate the bread and wine. Is that management makes a change in him: not the same sooner than later. Something similar happens with the marriage.
relationship with love and sex marriage gives a very particular character.

Why say "NO"?

Some reasons to say "no" extra-marital sex (pre-marital course included). Sometimes they will say no to another person, other to your own feelings or desires. Note well that each "NO" is rooted in a "YES" very big and important.

1) "No, because I love you real "
Can hold that sex outside of marriage is an expression of love? Let's see. You of course want your mother. Would you like she had extra-marital sex? You want your sister, would you want anyone to take her to bed? You want your daughters, would you in the future to lie with every boyfriend to have? So if you want no sex outside of marriage for women who want more, why want it for your girlfriend, who theoretically are in love? Could it be that the fact that you who have sex change your appreciation of the subject, making an exception? Is say that your girlfriend would be allowed extra-marital sex only with you, and you with whatever your girlfriend at all times. Let me tell you that it appears that is not good for you it is not good for others, and you should want it for your girlfriend that you want for women who are most dear to you. The correct answer would be "precisely because I love you, I want the best for us, that we keep our sex to marriage."

2) "No, because I want our love to last forever I do not want to risk our future"
Statistics show that couples who have not lived purity before married are 50% more likely to fail in marriage than the rest. Do not play with your future happiness.
This is not about statistics, a good courtship is a condition of a good marriage. And a good dating requires purity: it is a time to know each other, to discover if the other person is right to share the rest of my life and be the parent of my children. Purity is the condition of success for this sole purpose of dating. Why? For three reasons:

a) If the sex is present in the relationship ... there is no way of knowing what keeps them together ... Experts say that the mere mutual sexual satisfaction is able to maintain two people together to between 2 and 5 years ... So if there is nothing that a couple ... "works" ... for a while ... So there are people who get married and then realize ... they were not the each other ... not before they realized they were too busy enjoying each other's bodies ... and the rest was irrelevant.

b) objectivity need to know the other person. When natural sexual attraction becomes the center of the relationship, you lose objectivity. Look, the important thing is not like kissing someone else ... If the purity does not govern the relationship and the first thing to pay attention to is their sexuality, this darkens your eyes, and give less attention to what really matters. A friend used to say: "If your eyes are stopped in their breasts ... will never reach his heart." When I enter a room looking for a notebook, I can see other things in the room, but do not pay attention ... I am looking for the notebook. Sex absorbs the attention ... because of sex, many are married to the wrong person, because it is not fully known, and so, as you can imagine, the marriage can not end well ...

c) Sexual intercourse reduce your freedom. Because, after sex, will cost much more cutting, if you realize that the characters ideas, etc.. are not very compatible. A heavy burden will weigh on you ... and you can finish in front of an altar joining your life whom you should not .... Is not it dangerous to play with sex?

3) "No, because I want to save the best wedding present for you"
What treasure going to deliver the wedding night if you've lost before? Does it make sense to give gifts for Christmas in August? The dreams for marriage are dying ... because your anticipation of the mutual giving him nonsense of such surrender, the poorer. Taking such "advances" will not help the married life ...

4) "No, because I will not cheat"
Human beings are spiritual creatures and spirituality encompasses our whole being. Therefore, sexual union is human only to the extent that it is the union of the whole person. Moreover, if expression of the deepest union of souls. Release the body, without having delivered the soul, is a scam. In marriage, when two people give each other each other, forever, put their lives in one lifetime. So this union is also expressed bodily, sexual union makes complete and perfect spiritual union. Before the marriage can deliver only the body can not express ... a union that does not exist. Is an empty symbol ... an expression of something that does not exist, therefore a big lie. You can explain it simply: "I do not want to hurt you, The day you my body is because before I have given you my whole life. Today, you can not give you what I want: my whole being, body and soul, present and future. If I give my body, I would be cheating, because I'd be giving the best of me, my whole being. "

5) "No, I do not want to feel ashamed of you"
No guarantees that you will marry him / her. Suppose you slept with your boyfriend / a. This engagement can be completed in a marriage or not. If not you marry him / her, will you be proud or ashamed of those relationships? Did I say how you can face him / her you'll look when in the street or at a social gathering, etc., Especially if you him / her across your husband and your children? What have feelings for that person?

6) "No, because I want to be proud of you"
If they marry, "you can explain to me which side are you going to teach your daughters to live in purity? Are you going to advise your daughters that imitate your behavior? Will you be so hypocritical as to give advice that you did not want follow? Are you going to lie about your girlfriend? Will you that your daughters friends treat you like you treated your wife? For love, of course.

7) "No, because I will not regret later"
think that one can only regret woefully what should be a great act of love, shows that something is wrong.
A test! How many people regret having sex before marriage? How many complain of having none? How many who are not virgins wanted to be? How many are they would like not to be? Draw your own conclusions. Virginity is a gift supreme expression is given as belonging exclusively and finally or is it something that you lose a sad night ... perhaps under the effect of a glass too many. And only once in their life ... no second chance ...

8) "No, because I want to show that I care for you"
purity in dating is a guarantee of fidelity. If he has no respect for you, you're going to be his wife and the mother of his children, how you can explain me how to respect you not love that? If you are unable to resist the temptation of love to you ... how the resistance at other times? If you do not say no to know ... what will tell others? This is the best test of loyalty.

9) "No, because I know how much you love me"
How do I know if I really want? Words can not ... The way to check is through time and sacrifice. Regarding the latter, checking if it can "hold it" for love. No other evidence has been found most reliable love.

10) "No, because I want to trust you"
Because sex without a lifetime commitment not unite, separate. The feeling bitter and sad after having sex before marriage is a clear sign of this universal. This passes only the beginning. Sometimes, a groom says to his girlfriend: "Do not worry, you'll get used." It is a sad truth, with some "practice" it is not going to feel more ashamed, he will stop thinking it's wrong. But only because it will corrupt. Similarly, the first time a murderer kills someone feels really bad, but when it takes a bit of "practice" is used to it and stop feeling that is wrong. For this reason it is best not to get used ... Love unites, selfishness separates. Where is the difference between love and selfishness? Love is giving, seeking the good of others, selfishness is to use the other person to get something, looking for my own good. If you have aware that sexual activity produces a very intense pleasure, you will notice that can easily be an instrument of selfishness (even within marriage ...). If I seek pleasure, I'm selfish. If I press the other person to give me pleasure, I am even more selfish.

11) "No, because I want to keep pure the vehicle of my love for you"
Sexuality is very personal and human when integrated into the person. When awakened sexuality in adolescence, a person must be integrated into their personality, to be able to express love through it. This process involves abstinence, because chastity means the integration of sexuality within the person and thus the inner unity of man in his spiritual and physical. It is the only way to get control of their own sexuality and thus make it capable of expressing love through sex. Take into account that human sexuality is only when it has been "spiritualized" because it only acts when expressed to the intelligence and will, and under his control. Needs to be put in place: under the control of intelligence and will. Otherwise it becomes an uncontrollable instinct, which is not only dangerous, "all sexual violence is a result of this, but also makes it impossible to find and express true love. As you can see, the sex if it is integrated into the whole person, not an expression of love, but only an instrument of pleasure and therefore selfish. If sexuality is not lived in an orderly manner before marriage can only be a channel of their own selfish satisfaction of instincts disordered and likely to function well after marriage ... And the only way to integrate it into your personality is to say 'no' to instinct when claiming sexual "action" out of place. Only a virtuous person can express love through sex.

12) "Not because we have to make our love grow"
unite two lives is not easy ... At first, the sexual attraction is strong ... and passion is imposed in the relationship ... is impetuous. The spiritual component of love, the better, deeper, full of truth ... that grows slowly. Needs to mature as both people are making a ... You need spiritualized relationship. We have to get that passion does not send ... that what unites them into a deeper, more spiritual ... Those who marry for love ... always regret ... because ultimately fail to function ... Done unanimous dating experience: the purer the relationship, they enjoy it, the better you spend together, the less stress there, etc.

13) "Not because I want the best for you"
really love is wanting the best for the beloved. It is better to be a virgin at marriage than otherwise. It better be pure not. Is better ... Sin can never be better.

14) Something unanimous: all cultures have always reserved sex for marriage
Even in primitive African tribes polygamous ... a non-virgin girl could not aspire to be first wife ... Faced with such unanimity, it is clear that something ... All religions will condemn premarital sex. God is love ... something that offends you can never be an expression of love, or contribute to love. To the extent that separates from God, apart from those who supposedly love. It is impossible that something goes against God's love is an expression of love ... love to call something that goes against the Eternal Love sounds blasphemous.

Author: Paul Writes

Steam Room Ediquette For Men

"Sex ...? And why not ...? (II)

In the first part we review some reasons why it is better not to have sex too soon ... Now we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages focused on women.

Profits and losses of premarital sex

"Sex is a special game, if you play when you do not, you lose forever ..."
The irony of the phrase is clear: the sex too serious and if you play with him like a toy, then you lose forever. This applies to both, but places to lose ... the more it loses the girl. As a woman, what do you lose?

1. You lose your purity
One of the greatest values \u200b\u200byou have in the estimation of the boys. This is a central problem, others are secondary. Das your privacy-and the biggest way possible, just because, no reason, nor hearing you play with your love, deceives the other person and yourself. Give your body without your person, receive a body, without receiving the person. This big lie destroys your capacity to love. This is because sexuality is the vehicle through which you give love, and if you use it only to give and receive pleasure, you are degrading, and, worse, demoted you yourself.

2. You lose your virginity.
is the first consequence of sex. How many kids disappear after having sex with a girl? Many. Tené mind that men value very much the virginity of the woman you want to get married, many times more valued than women themselves. If asked, will you marry with a girl not a virgin? Most, in principle, says no, preferring to find one that is "clean." But it is not unusual to have such clarity of thought to ask for sex? Do not you fooling and playing with you?

3. You lose a pure love.
Before that sex appears in the relationship, the romance level is high. Then sexuality into everything and is very difficult to get back ... It is sometimes easier to start a new pure relationship ... If you allow sex is meddling in the relationship, you see your boyfriend in a different and more yet he's going to look differently. Their attention will focus what is more sexually explicit than yourself. Now, they have become accomplices, have sullied love. Sex outside marriage is only "flesh."

4. You lose their respect.
no longer will respect you as before because your body has used and, therefore, we have used to you as an object. Nothing will be like before, now the passion is increasingly present and a very strong presence. And he thinks he has the right to your body and you feel a duty to give ...

5. You lose respect for yourself.
You stop seeing your purity as something sacred ... Now will give your body more easily, because you get used to having sex. Sexuality loses its mystery, becoming something trivial, which means that you may have corrupted.

6. You lose spontaneity in the relationship.
All engaged couples that are experienced when the relationship is pure it is, therefore, more spontaneous, fun, natural, pleasant. Have more fun together. In contrast, when the passion went between the two, and usually to settle, claiming more and more, and did not leave, the relationship loses the girl loses freshness and tranquility, is beginning to be uncomfortable. Do not know what can happen must always be careful to take care not to go so you do not want to happen ...

7. You lose confidence in him.
The first time a guy tries to "move forward" on the privacy of your girlfriend, she feels uncomfortable, not a few see it almost like a rapist. This is a widespread experience. If you have not been strong enough and he got what he wanted ... and if you continue to keep your ideas ... every time you're with him, have some concern that it wants to "move" again ...

8. You lose control of the situation.
Before anything happens, when say 'no', he means 'no'. Then he knows it's a matter of emphasis, because he knows he can accomplish the same thing as last time ... you can make you a toy. It is becoming harder to say no and you lose credibility increasingly.

9. You lose inner freedom
Because sex slaves used for pleasure only. Without purity, you lose self-control: when you use your instincts beyond the control of your higher faculties, for example when sending passion, intelligence and will gradually lose control of them. Your body becomes an insatiable monster in search of meat.

10. You lose the freedom to cut
dating ... If you see that the relationship does not walk, things get complicated. I think shame will not go through with what happened ... and will cost you choose something that perhaps would have no hesitation if not for the lack of purity ... Do not say anything if you're hooked for sensual reasons that do not leave think clearly.

11. You lose the ability to give and receive true love
damage your vehicle because of love. Your sexuality will fire more easily than before and sensuality ... just leaving love apart.

12. You lose the dreams for marriage.
What will be your best wedding present wedding night? The "charming" and "mysterious" sense of sexuality disappears. What will the novelty of marriage?

13. You lose the best test that you have to know if you really want.
If CDs ... from now on, when you find you ... I do not know why you are looking for ... if you want to be with you ... or "needs" to vent their uncontrolled passion ... But if he can overcome temptation and passion because he loves you, then you can be sure that her love is deep and generous.

14. You lose the best test that you have to prove their loyalty.
If you can not overcome their sexual instinct and passion for love ... what can you tell me how you're going to stop when it finds an attractive girl that gives you the opportunity to have an adventure? You should ensure their loyalty and train in it. This is vital.

15. You lose respect from other kids when they know.
Kids do not respect the "easy women." Accurately differentiate between a "girl friendly" and a "respectable" and look for one or another kind of girl according to their purposes. You are the to decide that "model" women want to be.

16. Here you can get pregnant, which will complicate your life ... enough.
This is not something bad, a baby is the best there is: a lovely human being, the problem is the circumstances: sos girl, you're studying, you are not married, do not you keep it ... Having a child does not is bad, but it is taking steps to have him out of wedlock. Does not that sound strange term "unwanted pregnancy? What is the system to have a child? What is the natural consequence of sex? What is the natural consequence of introducing sperm in the vagina of a woman (because basically sex in this)? Does not sound too cheeky to call "unwelcome" the natural consequence of something that two people do it voluntarily? Do not kid yourself, no contraceptives totally "safe." If you're fertile and you have sex, you can get pregnant ...

17. You lose peace ...
Because every time your period is delayed a bit ... distress will be present ... and go out running to make a pregnancy test ...

18. You are exposed to pressure you to do an abortion.
The worst crime a "normal" person can make (as a genocide and the like are not to them): killing an innocent baby who can not defend or even crying. If one day you find out what happened to your mother's head, even for a moment the possibility of abortarte you would die ... in the truest sense of the term. You could have been aborted! Talking about abortion is very easy for candidates to abortion can never share the conversation ... and those who are in favor of abortion can never be aborted ... A normal person would say, "I could never do, would be to kill myself." Seems to solve a problem, but actually kills the victim (the baby, your child) and the victimizer (the mother). Become a murderer does not solve anything. Well, if you get pregnant, your boyfriend can suggest this possibility and pressure you to do it. A very nice, right? Maybe not, but real possibility because there is no completely safe contraception. 40% of which go to the Marie Stopes abortion clinics in England, they blame the pregnancy to contraceptive failure ...

19. You can get a very nice sexual transmitted disease (STD).
If for your boyfriend is so normal to have sex-at least that's what you said to convince you I suppose he was so "normal" sometimes with different girls ... So you should remember that when you have sex, you're having it with all your ex partners, at least as it relates to STDs. Do not forget that 80% of those infected with STDs do not know ... Is not it curious that many feet that other people can get AIDS but they do not? It feels safe enough to have sex, but are scared of getting tested to see if they have AIDS ... Only once is enough, and there is no turning back. Let me tease such a serious issue, but many girls would advise cleaning require a certificate of ETS-date of course, before having sex. Otherwise having sex is an act of dementia (about condoms you can ask one of the many who were "preserved" when you get AIDS).

20. You lose the most powerful weapon for your future daughters education your own life.
What are you going to teach your daughters about purity? Are you going to teach you ashamed you did not want to live? Look the only credible educational tool is an example: people just believe the testimony of life. And do not think I could be lying ...

What do you get?
addition of a few minutes of pleasure and nice feelings, not it imagine something else.
Do you think it worth it?

Sex is not a game, is a serious matter. Implies love and life. It is the instrument to love and to make that eternal love, projecting into new beings that are the fruit of that love.

Author: Paul Writes

A Cold With Blood In Phlegm

"Sex ...? And why not ...? (III)

is the time to respond to complaints of sex ...
Pardon the expression, but now let's analyze some
rgumentos to give you to try to take to bed.

Very repeated reasons for saying 'If

Here are the most common reasons that appear to justify sex during courtship. Are practically the same in the last three hundred and fifty thousand years ... There is nothing new under the sun ...

1. "If we love, why is going to be wrong?"
There are different kinds of love, and each has different manifestations. You want your parents, siblings, cousins, friends ... and told them your love without resorting to sex. Sexual union requires prior binding of lives, otherwise it is a lie. A total union demands exclusivity and no limit time. This only occurs in marriage. At this time, the way to express mutual affection is through sex. Also, do not confuse love with passion, desire and reality, intention with action. The affection that you feel will become definitely love delivered to the wedding night. Today there is only meant to give you your life. Who guarantees that you will marry him / her? Maybe he says he loves you ... how many girls have told the same thing ... just to get to bed?

2. "I do not want to lose ..."
This is one of the most common reasons why girls give in to pressure groom. "If you say no, look for another to accept its conditions. If you want to keep for me, I have to please him sleeping with him." Do not be afraid, if you require sex as a condition to continue, it is better not to continue, because it shows what kind of person he is and what you are looking for.

3. "We have to prove our love, so be sure to be sexually compatible"
can not experiment with human beings and less if they are loved ... Love should not be tested with something as intimate as sex. Being able to have sex is not a demonstration of love, but solely as a sexual being. Love is tested in other areas ... Tests smaller margin of error does not occur in the field of things that produce pleasure, but it costs sacrifice. Prove your love for each require proof that you are able to sacrifice for the beloved. And one of the most important is knowing deny one's whims for the sake of another. In addition, the most experienced in this field are prostitutes, and not think they are experts in love. Not appear that his "experience" enhances the love ..

4. "I do not like ... but my boyfriend does not understand my reasons ..." Give
understand only because it does not seem to make much sense. May not understand the theoretical reasons you can give ... but do not need to understand them.

5. "Everybody does."
is not true. Also, what do we mean by everybody? You can answer "all prostitutes do." OK, you're right. "Everything" play boy "is doing with every girl who is in his way." OK, you're right again. But can someone who wants to be a good parent, be counted among such "worldwide"? Moreover, the number of people who behave in a certain way does not value that kind of behavior. The question is whether they do is right or wrong. Doing something you know is wrong, only peer pressure or the environment, is to give up your freedom.

6. "I like it. If he / she agrees, why not? "
Actually what I like is the pleasure that sex gives you, which is very different from the happiness of love. For now, both can only give pleasure and nothing more, and this will affect your ability to love genuinely. Do not kid yourself.

7. "I have to show that I love ..."
Best show you he loves you ... holding back. By your side ... may be better to give him a box of chocolates.

8. "We're getting married."
When you were 5 years you could have said the same thing ... And no one will guarantee it. Do you know how it was that they would marry segurísimos ... never been married ...? If we in tragic ... one can die in an accident before the wedding ... In fact, even the time of marriage both are free to terminate the relationship. You have not yet committed for life. Although you want to marry with him / her, have joined their lives. What makes the difference is the marriage is completely different after having sex before getting married. Three years or a week before, it is equally possible. This is not an issue of the number of days, months, years ... is a matter of reality do not belong.

9. "My boyfriend did with previous girlfriends had ..."
bad for them ... I do not think now they feel very glad they did ... repeat the same mistakes just because someone made in the past and wants to commit to one ... do not think is very wise ...

10. "I have no patience to wait until we get married ..."
Your desperation for sex may have to worry ... is convenient to visit a good psychologist to treat the addiction ...

11. "I can not stop ..."
This is not true. Perhaps your will is still weak, but with effort you can strengthen it. Be optimistic and superate to yourself. Also, if you avoid the times and the other person helps you, you will be able to live according to what they consider the best option. No one can say that it is able to live according to their dignity. If a person thinks they can not live a pure love ... what kind of love can live?

12. "If we are careful, nothing will happen, what may be the problem? "
Well you know that sex is not a game. The possibility of pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases are not the only problem. You can try to avoid them, but how can you protect your ability to love? Besides, you know how many people who thought like you got pregnant or are "enjoying" of AIDS?

13. "We are mature and responsible, no one can come and say we should do."
Look, sex does not depend on age. What is wrong at fifteen, is also bad cuendo you have thirty. The meaning of sexuality is not dependent on age. Other Thus, at seventy, infidelity would be something worthwhile ...!

14. "We have no religious prejudices."
This is not about religion. So far we have talked about God. It is true that the commandments of God reinforce the importance of abstinence before marriage, but this applies to everyone. Atheism does not change things and what is at stake is your future happiness ... I do not risk it so easily. . Anyway, do not forget that all religions-Judaism, Christianity, Islam ... - valued virginity and reserve sex for marriage. Different

ways to say no

There is no limit for imagination and creativity of a person who is proposed something serious. And when someone wants sex, you never know on what grounds is coming ...

Saying "no" frequently requires more than a one-word answer. It is important to be psychologically prepared for the different lines that one can use to pressure you for sex. If "NO" is strong, the pressure will stop.

  • "Do not you love me?" "I love you enough to say no"
  • "If you really love me ..." "If I really wanted, never would have asked me that. If you really cared someone does not push to do something that will not do "
  • " But if we all do "" Everybody, except me. "
  • "Come on, everybody's doing it all" "Then do not be so hard to find someone else to do"
  • "But I always did with my previous girlfriends" "Not this. By the way, I am now ex-girlfriend "
  • " But I always did with my previous girlfriends "should keep very fond memories ... I would not participate in them"
  • "Do not you attractive? "" I find you very attractive. I like a lot. I do not want to sink our good relationship ... that's what I'd put it in the ways of sex "
  • " Do not tell me you're still a virgin. "You're frigid?" "No, I'm smart"
  • "Do not love me?" "Do not respect me"
  • "If you get pregnant, I marry you" "Why wait? Let's get married now! "
  • " I'll stop when you tell me "" What about now? "
  • " I love you "" Great. Demostralo respecting my values \u200b\u200b"
  • " But, what happens? Am I dating a nun? "" The nuns are the only people faithful? "" No, a smart girl, that is sufficiently high to self-esteem compared with other "
  • " What are you waiting for? " "Our honeymoon!"
  • "You're a repressed?" "No, I am free from the pressure to have sex before marriage"
  • "Sex is not so bad" "It's important for me to my husband and God. I am committed to keeping sex for marriage "
  • " Sex is going to make our relationship more intimate "" No, it will become the center and will drown everything else "
  • " Sex is going to bring "" No, it will bring our bodies. And it will separate the rest "
  • " It's our anniversary. It is a special day "" It will be even more special if we wait for our wedding night "
  • " I want to give something to remember me "" Something like a son or a disease? "
  • " Do not be so rigid, "" Do not be so selfish "
  • " De agreement, as you want. Let's just get us some clothes and be together. We need do nothing more "" Do I look stupid? "

Explain Working Of Camera

"Sex ...? And why not ...? (IV)

Five clear ideas

In the first three articles we have discussed extensively the benefits of maintaining purity in courtship and the problems of getting involved with sex in it.

If it is so clear that losing the purity has too many negative consequences, and there are many people who does not live, does this mean they are idiots? No. Most times the problem is not lack of intelligence but of naivete. Things they thought they would never pass, begin to pass ... and more and more often ... and deeper and deeper. Thus, once bogged down in sensuality, come to think that it is impossible to live such high ideals, and finally after justifying what they once seemed frightening.

happens that because of the relationship between affection and passion, and the weakness of our nature, it is relatively easy to get into these issues. If you're not careful and you are exposed to hazardous situations, it is easy to lose control of yourself / and from the situation. Between a controlled situation out of control and a very few moments, and in risky situations fate decide. Your sex life can not rely on luck. Therefore, you should take good care of the treasure of your purity and no unnecessary risks.
style dating
decide about everything. If two lovers as they are related to the couple on TV, have it difficult. In a relationship based on demonstrations of affection are just body (hugging, kissing, fondling ...) there is no way to maintain purity. Therefore, an important clue is the style they impose on their relationship: how they look at each other, how they are treated, what they do, etc.. The type of treatment that is fundamental.
Now in this paper just wanted to mention one essential virtue: prudence. If two lovers are cautious, as not want to happen will not happen.

guy respect his girlfriend, if from the beginning, you are so inclined, speak with her, and help each other.

girl kept her purity if, from the beginning, knows what can happen and is determined not to pass. When the game does not go into the sentimentality and false obligations to demonstrate love by sex. When it is determined to lose her boyfriend if necessary. Is this too? Yes, but worth it to keep it because if you have to give up their conscience, to offend God and surrender your dignity, the price you are asking is too expensive and should not pay. The reason is clear: one of the things crazy that a girl can do is marry someone who does not respect. No girl should be willing to pay such a high price.

1) You Can not complain.
only what you let happen, because if there is violence, the question is not pure but that requires police intervention ... So, you're responsible for stopping the development of dangerous situations. How many girls meet a boy with the intention of having sex? Most of the time that happens is something that "happens." They do not know exactly how or why ... and perhaps wish would have happened ... I do not deny that there is something you can too fool in the matter. You should avoid being naive and from the beginning to know what can happen and take steps not to go. There is nothing more dangerous than thinking that you're different from others and that you not going to happen.

2) The way to avoid mourn is to say "no" on time.
Men and women are different in our sexuality and who can and must stop is the girl. And this must be done at first. The line should not cross is that between affection of sensuality. When passion awake, that means you've gone too far and it is time to reverse. Sexuality is a dynamic and if you allow to the "process" start, risking too much, because the process itself tends to its natural end: complete sexual intercourse. If you do not want to have sex, you should begin to have ... What sense does it make your body as an object, allowing passionate kissing, hugging, touching unclean ...? All these things are the preparation of marriage act, and it is just sex, but do not end up "process." It is not uncommon for a sexual relationship is a result of uncontrolled passion, and therefore, if you want to avoid, you have to avoid what leads to it. A nice guy may need a good girl you stop it when he can not stop himself.

3) Avoiding embarrassing and uncomfortable situations, avoid problems.
The defense of pure love requires that you avoid the occasions that make it easier for the excitement of sensuality. Certain environments ignite the first sparks of sensuality. In particular, there are five things to avoid if you really want your boyfriend and you want to keep a pure love. Are loneliness, darkness, the car, alcohol and more saturated with sensuality.

a) If you avoid being alone with a boy, 95% of the problem is solved, because in public places does not matter because, if you have a modicum of dignity, there are things not to do in front of others. So the presence others is a good protection. There he will not suggest anything wrong, your hands will remain calm, and so on. What is the point to visit or receive visits when no other people in the house ... or those who are, are you sleeping? Honest people do not receive visits from people of the opposite sex when you're at home. What is the point of watching a movie alone, worse if it is a sensual film lying on the same couch ...?

b) In the dark sensuality is more active in the romantic atmosphere. It is easier to fall at midnight at noon ... Believe it or not affect the amount of light ... The view is our sense highest, spiritual difficulties in operation does not lead to anything good. Moreover, in another sense the darkness becomes more sensitive: the touch. A blind man has a higher sensitivity to your touch just because you can not see. Touch is our crudest sense. You do not need light to operate, and in the absence of light is more "awake." Is it necessary to clarify that sexuality works with the sense of touch?

c) A car is a conveyance, not a place of meeting room conversations between a boy and a girl. If you park for a chat or any other excuse ... do not fool yourself, something bad will happen. There you have it all together: darkness, loneliness, little space inability to cum to the side ...

d) Another important point is to keep the alcohol inside the bottle and thus outside of the two, as the Americans say: "if you want to think, do not drink."

e) Certain places, clubs, certain pubs ... - awaken the sensual passion. Loud music that not only can talk but it affects your sensibilities, not only the ears, "feel" the music in the skin and whole body vibrates. Darkness with flashes of light that dazzle. Many liters of alcohol and drunks everywhere. Dedicated people to enjoy the body of the passenger. Some dances involve physical contact as your body becomes an object that is enjoyed. In such an environment, a "normal" with a "normal" looks like a Martian just arrived from Mars. If many people are doing what you do not want to do ... should ask "What does a girl like me in a place like this?"

also can help you discern the appropriateness of the situation, loneliness, dark, sensual-place car or the tunnel of time: travel with your imagination twenty-five years into the future and ask: "Would I want my daughter was in an environment like this?" This thought might change your initial assessment as to presumed innocence of the site, because it will give the objectivity that may have lacked in the beginning.
Get in a situation in which you can slip and get to the bottom of the cliff into something you'll regret all your life ... is just stupid. No need ... exposure ... why? Who is Wise ... is smart ...

4) Avoid being too naive and too trusting.
When you're sure nothing will happen to you, you're in trouble, because that overconfidence will make you lack wisdom. Knowing your personal weakness and the other person, the reasonable attitude is prudence. A good girl can really help a good guy, stopping when he begins to lose control of himself. Alleged good intentions, prudence is key.
I do not say you have to be a suspicious, but relying too often ends badly ... There is a popular saying that "confidence man kills a pregnant woman ..." I could tell of girls who have been raped by a friend because they were alone in his room ... Or girls who ended up having it naively went to the home of a friend because he had said he wanted to introduce to your parents ... which of course were not in the house ... And thousands of other traps.

5) Please do not accept blackmail ...
The famous phrase "If you love me, demostrámelo" is nothing but extortion. Having sex, giving up your principles and dignity, not the way to show love. Sex is a gift, not an obligation. The answer should be: "If you love me, Respect me." Does it make sense to ask someone to resign his conscience as a proof of love, just to satisfy his passion? If we accept what you should not, just to keep the sex would be a "bribe" you're selling your body, paying for their company and friendship with sex ... is this not prostitution? If you really want, you should be strict with him. If you're girlfriend with anyone who pressures you for sex, it is clear that you are engaged to the wrong person.

Too bad so many girls have had sex without wanting to ... just because they could not say no to time.

Author: Paul Writes

Sunday, November 20, 2005

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dating Types

sense of engagement. Types of dating
Lupita Cervantes

Some of the engagements in which you can position yourself:
The early bird
The 'nothing to do'
The 'pours honey'
The masochist
The superhero
The Amigans
The 'worst-is-nothing'
The jailer
The 'all-out'

The early bird
Here the phrase does not apply to early bird God helps. The early-morning engagement refers to those couples that are still really small and lack a true immensity of time to get married (because we all know that dating is a stage of awareness and acceptance where the couple prepares for a possible marriage).
still lack high school, high school, career and work about two years, at least to raise some pocket money. Your Account ... Here we encounter dating five, six, nine years, which, believe it or not can be quite harmful, because sometimes they forgo stages that want to come back later, and because when things become monotonous and boring, one of them can fill and leave the other for someone else.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
If you're still in high school or high school, that is, between 12 and 18, better not get involved nothing too serious. Go out with friends, have fun and give yourself the chance to meet. This way you know exactly what you throw, what kind of dating you want and what qualities you consider essential in a partner. Just so you have a point of comparison.
Remember this: one day, sooner or later, you will be time to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, but now it's time to make friends, meet people, to enjoy healthy ... do not change it for something that will come anyway.

The 'nothing to do' Go thou
know why these two got engaged, but the truth is that they have nothing in common tastes, habits, beliefs, education, social class, views, friends, families, etc. Maybe they got engaged because they were attracted to the surface of the other person: I liked your smile, I love the look, is handsome or very beautiful, but ultimately think differently about important issues such as: respect life, dating and premarital sex, religious beliefs, work, family, etc.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
When the couple has no common interests and does not have the rules; when they are unable to share together and the rays of the sun when everyone pulls him by without paying attention to other ... Needless to say that the shine is imminent and necessary. Do not forget that dating is a time for sharing and fellowship.

The 'spill-honey'
is so called because the couple is very syrupy, ie can not be a moment without touching. Whenever you see are cuddling, giving kisses, saying things to her ear and, needless to say, are always sweaty little hand. This is not all bad because, as in any courtship, There is physical attraction, but it is very important that behind the somewhat superficial attraction, developing a much deeper attraction, an emotional attraction. Because, oh, disappointment!, The passion of onset decreases with time and if there is nothing more to sustain the relationship, if the engagement was only physical identification, then the pasteboard is just around the corner.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
At first, all relationships have their stage of spill-honey, but if you have spent several months together and every time you see is only to touch and feel beautiful, if have not had a serious talk between the two, not known in depth because they have been busy pouring honey all over, then I am afraid to say that theirs is pure sexual attraction and have no interest nor care what the other thinks.
Sooner or later, the appeal will end and believe me, also the engagement. A relationship is not worth it, especially if you consider the risks you getting involved with someone who only wants you for your physique, can begin a sexually active and then it is likely that pregnancy will occur. And all because they would not spoil the passion of the moment, ruined his life and maybe that of another innocent.

The masochist
is the kind of relationship where the couple are fighting longer than they are at peace. They can not engage in any conversation without it ending in a horrible argument. Whenever they spend complaining, screaming, hurting ... ie, a constant feeling of unhappiness.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
Discuss: Is your relationship causes you more tears and concerns that laughter and moments of joy? If so, then it's time to run ... But! Who really loves you, only wish you well and does not seek to make you suffer, by contrast, makes every effort to see you happy at any time.

The superhero
Let's say one of the two was spent renting movies superman throughout childhood and as a result of this excess of heroic fantasy, now the above-mentioned above or fervently believe they are something like salvation for your partner.
Well, seriously, this type of engagement is more common than you think. It happens when you fall for someone with problems either physical or emotional and want to resolve or help you feel better. I see a lot in girls who fall for the typical rebellious child, you know, heavy smoker, drunkard, womanizer, even up to half a druggie. They swear they're going to make change, that their love is going to straighten the road ...
How can you tell if you're a superhero boyfriend? Easy. Nothing more to ask yourself how you see your partner. If you see just like you, with normal faults and qualities, then walk well, if you see beneath you, as someone with many problems, low self-esteem, attitude problems, you need someone to help urgently, then you have good wearing your superhero costume.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
No offense, I have only three words for the couple superheroes: ja ja ja. It is very difficult that only love makes a person with a serious change, this requires therapy, will power and that the person you want to change. Do not play ball or images that are Batgirl and Spiderman because you're not. Are an ordinary person with common needs and common qualities, while not have a magic capita makes you fly through space or supernatural powers, they have a boyfriend called normal, with normal faults, someone able to give you security and trust you too.

The Amigans
is a typical specimen that is his girlfriend (or) like it was one of a group of friends. Never has time for her partner because he prefers riding with friends in the burst, and if the bride or groom gets upset by this water ...¡¡¡ !!!... is unleashed World War III because the individual in question argues that it is free, the couple just wants to hoard it, it needs its own space and do not know how many more. Behold, the poor unsuspecting must endure hours of partying with cronies from her boyfriend because no other way to spend time with your sweetie.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
If you read these lines ears buzzed and felt as if a huge index finger will point you directly to your face ... pimpolluela mean that there was an identification between you and this kind of dating. If you are the victim of the situation, that is, if you have to aventarte the marathon every weekend with friends of your boyfriend or girlfriends of your child, you need to speak clearly with your partner and explain that the engagement is something more than friendship. The courtship stage is characterized by a deep knowledge of the other person so that we know clearly if we spend with her the rest of our lives. This can not be achieved without going out alone once in a while and talk about things important to them.

The worst-is-nothing
Suddenly, as if it were the rotavirus, all your friends and your friends start going out with guys and girls and begin forming the couples wedding. You, like the iceberg in the ocean, you still catch the highlights or the sun. That's why you drop the first unwary plump tell you little words of love to your ear.
is normal to feel somewhat isolated because all your friends or your buddies and have a partner. Believe me I know from experience the nightmare of reaching to a party and being alone because they all go together and you did nobody tell you it was for dinner partners. What is not normal is that you launch to start a dating relationship just because you feel urged and urged, as appropriate. It would be very unfair to your partner, do not you think? Worse, how would you feel if you were the worst-is-anything else?
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
is time for you to review in depth what is your concept of dating and what you expect from a relationship. If you're looking for company simply do not feel so alone, you better tell her goodbye the bride or the trouser ... you're not being fair and not fair that sooner or later you will regret it and make it harder to end the relationship. Find more friends, go for a walk together. Remember that an engagement goes beyond the company or friendship and courtship is a commitment to acceptance, respect and love.

The jailer
I have no idea how it feels to be in jail but do not have much experience in these matters to ensure that none of those who have walked this field you want to go back there. Imagine how horrible it must be to be guarded 24 hours a day, do nothing as you wish, live in fear of going to punish you for something you did not, and so on., etc., etc. Creepy right? I'm afraid that this goes beyond the prison walls.
is very common to see young people (men or women) who are enslaved to a couple not allowed to do anything for fear of being away from them. This is sheer lack of confidence in the other person and a dating relationship can not grow stronger unless it has the basis of mutual trust.
Look, when it is a keeper boyfriend: Do not let it out with her friends because she says nothing to link out, not let tight clothing or highlight their physical attributes, does not like to put on makeup and change into nice, is convulsed when he learns that his girlfriend was on the phone with a friend (male, of course) and, worse, gives a stroke if learns that she saw her ex-boyfriend and he talked with him.
If it were a jailer: Want to know where and with whom her boyfriend is 24 hours a day, can not bear to have friends, one dies of rabies every time you know that your ex boyfriend is in the miso where are they and what threatens to quit if she can say hello, Green gets angry when the child comes up to say that Christina Aguilera is very beautiful or that Britney Spears has a great body, organizes a plot with her friends to keep an eye on her boyfriend all day, check out the e-mail account without her lover learns it, and so on. etc.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
If you are the jailer complex, it is best that you analyze your self-esteem. The problem is that you think you are good enough or attractive to keep your partner at your side and do some great tricks to keep her with you, but your game is going to hurt because nobody likes to be with someone who doubts of himself and his partner. Everyone is like and has a personality and style, not destroy the personality of your couples only because you're afraid that someone else will go to the snatch. Talk to her or him and tell him your fears, you will see that you will feel better about yourself and you'll rely much more on it.

The 'all-out' ...
What I can tell you this engagement? It is the best. It is selfless, because it asks nothing in return for giving, is sincere, because it shows up as it is, is respectful, loyal, mature, cheerful, no freedom and confidence and, above all, total fidelity.
is that relationship where you just want to make happy the other, where you worry their problems and successes you glad as if they were your own. Is courtship where both help each other become better and are made for each other, evidence of purity, friendship, sincerity and consistency. Known defects of the other, but accept and struggle to become qualities.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
Adelante! If you continue like this, things will work wonders for healthy fun together know, have many points in common, not only like physically but also emotionally attracted, his communication is excellent and have plans and projects that involve both .
Well there are many styles of engagement that did not develop but the important thing is to analyze their courtship, see if you can improve as individuals and as a couple y. .. Learn to love again!


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safe sex thymus

Failure of the campaigns. Analysis of the campaigns of "safe sex"
By Antonio Orozco

Fortunately, sex is not taboo, something that can not lie or be silenced. But, "writes Claudia Sorgi, in these times has become no less serious," a fetish, a kind of divinity adored, feared, spoiled and used obsessively as a sign of affirmation and realization. "witnessing a clear inflation of sex. The theme pervades the conversations of coffee, large or small screens, magazines, newspapers and radio, advertising and private advertising. It seems that happens a kind of universal obsession with sex. Although we have to clarify.'s obsession is not the values \u200b\u200bcontained in the sex itself, but for the pleasure genital uses certain well-known feature, disconnected from their natural result: the fidelity and procreation.

We are facing a wave of materialism which reduces man to sex, sensuality and sex saturated. This trend is charged exorbitant always decadent times, has been nurtured by a pseudo popularize Freud knew half a century ago. This is a method devised to cure certain psychopathological states, known as the "psychoanalysis" imposed in many classrooms and medical centers recently. So great has been its success that many who have read all of Freud, but also numerous professional short notice, would be shocked by what they just said. Freud is still in limited areas of scientific and cultural level, a kind of untouchable sacred monster of experimental psychology. This being well, no wonder the inertia still maintains great strength and is useful to hear the voice of the most competent and advanced expert in therapeutic psychopathology.

Polaino Lorente, professor of psychopathology, of Madrid's Complutense University, has published several papers on the subject and, recently, an article is particularly illustrative (), which collects opinion of other scientists, like Sir Peter Medawar, Nobel Prize in Medicine and Hans J. Eysenck, professor of psychology at the University of London. The latter has written an essay based has an eloquent title: "Decline and Fall of the Freudian Empire (). After examining
for decades, cases treated by Freud, Eysenck concluded that "Freud was certainly a genius, but not science but propaganda, no rigorous test, but the art of persuasion, not the scheme experiments, but of literary art. " Eysenck says that although it looks like a hard trial, the future support.
For his part, Dr. Polaino Lorente says that while supporters of Freudian psychoanalysis to Freud regarded as the liberator of man's sexual repression, the fact is that not only did no such thing, but something quite different: he tried to understand the neurosis from a purely sexual point of view and what he did, in fact, was sexualizing neurosis and, therefore, neurotic human sexuality. "No longer funny," added the professor of the Complutense, that the greater contact of a client with psychoanalytic interpretations-one contact is always compromised, because it requires them to believe, "Most frequently reported sexual neuroses. Can you call this sexual liberation? Freud has not freed humanity, but has humiliated. He claimed that the man does not feel as master of his acts. According to Freud, our actions always respond to an unconscious motivation, so that no would be room for freedom: man of the Freudian interpretation is nothing more than an automaton service instinctive sexual drive, more or less latent.
Is there no truth in the theories of Freud? "Something There" says the professor Polaino. But he adds that "together, are interpretations with little scientific value." Nobel Prize of Medicine Sir Peter Medawar, Freudianism has qualified as one of the saddest and most bizarre passages in the history of twentieth century thought. "Eysenck adds that the Psychoanalysis remains but one interpretation imaginary pseudo-events, treatment failures, illogical and inconsistent theories, kidnappings disguised as their predecessors, misperceptions of value not shown and a dictatorial and intolerant group of followers who do not insist on the truth, but propaganda. "
Eysenck claims that Freud's tenets have been undermining the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof civilization, and moral standards subjectivizing disrupt healthy exercise of sexuality. By the way, have infiltrated the thinking and the life of man in the street, not through reading the works of Freud, but of great influence he had on the "established -ment "literature.
Beyond all science-fiction, seems literally true that Max has been the ironic epitaph attached bullet.

All these issues deserve special consideration as the Ministries of Health and Social Affairs have launched a campaign aimed at adolescents and youth, promoting the widespread use of condoms. According to them, the goal is to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, especially AIDS, and unwanted pregnancies, which may arise from growing sex among adolescents and youth.
However, the deep motivations of the campaign are very dubious, because it is incredible that the aforementioned ministries lack the data provided by the current science on these issues. Those responsible for campaign seem anchored in a Freudian sexology, and overcome decades ago by leading psychiatrists and disqualified from the results that around 50 are in sight. Could only be explained, in our view, a materialist ideology messianic mentality underlying the official. Although the campaign is to sweeten with words like "courage" and "spirit" (but also used language that has been correctly labeled as "vulgar" and "vulgarity"), the practical reality is that they reduce the man passion as they have done, for example, Marx, Freud and Sartre-deniers all the intimate personal liberty, and obsolete, "without possibility of maintaining the person's own dominion over the disorder of sensuality. Even authors more reasonable, simple agnostics such as Nobel laureate Albert Camus, recognized that objective values \u200b\u200bdo not exist or are no rational basis if not on a transcendent (God). On the other hand is very eloquent historical fact we are witnessing: the countries of Eastern Europe who have spent 70 years of official persecution materialism, burst into jubilation after shake off the oppressive yoke of religious feelings (the deepest in the man) and yearn for a revival of Christianity (not to mention economic failure)
But most striking perhaps, is that the data collected today by scientists who know or should know, deny health authorities for purposes which are presented as evidence of behavior that otherwise are taken as immoral in the most important ethical traditions. Campaign against them is a real "ethical revolution" unjustified can not only bring greater social inequality.

adjudged reasonably CAMPAIGN
Although we can not ignore, judge, therefore, intimate intentions of the promoters of the advertising of condoms among teenagers, the campaign itself, can and should be judged rationally. No need to do so, the Catholic faith. The English Episcopal Conference, which has proved so cautious in recent times in his statements touching on the performance of public administration has been unable to speak for less clearly: "We also believe that this campaign violates law religious freedom: the state, in effect, taking sides against certain religious groups "(). Naturally, the arguments of the Episcopal Conference is basically theological. But it should be noted that criticism of the campaign include it from a purely rational budgets. There are very clear arguments are strictly rational that show the irrationality of the Government's action in this regard.

the guise of
The official campaign has sought to justify on health grounds: preventing teenage pregnancy and AIDS.
funny thing is that many things have been silenced. Has been hidden, for example, that sexual promiscuity is intended directly or indirectly lead to many more pregnancies and AIDS than perhaps avoid the use of condoms. Has concealed the fact that the condom is not an insurmountable barrier to sperm, much less for the AIDS virus, which is 500 times smaller. Has concealed the fact that such campaigns, with the same apparent reasons were made decades ago in other countries with very different result to that announced by its promoters ()
Hides the use of condoms is not trivial, as you can be selling candy to the school door . Indigestion for candy is easy to cure. But virginity, once lost and not regained. And if the relationship is not legitimate under the natural law within marriage, that act contrary to the personal nature of both the woman and the man, marks the person in a profound way. If you continue along the same lines, it means very wrong marriage. Contraception is regarded as "normal" (as happens to many this, unfortunately). Reduced genital sexuality and the person to object, and the spouse to be nice ... in bed: an interchangeable lens. Dissolve the sense of paternity and filiation, which, as experience is plentiful, the family dissolves, is installed in the society, without remedy, adultery and infidelity as a system. Finally, the obvious sadness in the faces along the streets of countries that have already come to this. And it's a well-proven experience! In other words, it is not a trivial matter, which can "pass" one, whatever our ethical criteria. Only someone ignorant, frivolous and weighing the words I write can be considered trivial, Government advertising promoting condoms.

Dr. Gonzalo Herranz give us your opinion in an interview published in various media.

- Professor Herranz, how do you see the current official campaign about condoms?
- This campaign has shown manipulative and aggressive. Is leading teenagers to permissiveness, invites promiscuous behavior. Not to appear prudish, has fallen into the evil. Been led to believe many gullible and naive that the condom is the magic talisman of pleasure and invulnerability, as palatable for adolescents. The campaign, at least, is irresponsible. Has seriously distorted the message of the foremost experts in the field, the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta (USA). Has shut its main part: that abstinence and sexual intercourse with a partner mutually faithful, uninfected partner are the only totally effective prevention strategies.

- What are the consequences of misinformation produced by the campaign, do you foresee in the short term? - I hate to be a prophet of doom, but we have to take a look at the statistics in a few years and see how many people, who will then have 20 and 25, are HIV positive. They are the victims of this scam condom. Note that the hazard rate of condoms is between 15 and 20 percent. That is, they fail in one of every five or six sexual encounters. While AIDS remains a deadly disease, that is an overwhelming risk.

- As a professor of bioethics, can you tell us what criteria must govern the professional practice of physician and pharmacist are encouraged to prescribe or sell condoms?
- If a doctor or a pharmacist judged based on real data, scientific and reliable, that the condom does not provide acceptable protection against human immunodeficiency virus, are not required to recommend or dispensed. His decision is rational and so must give it to understand their patients or clients.
- What if the State is unwilling to accept the conscientious objection of doctors and pharmacists who do not cooperate in his campaign and do not prescribe or dispense condoms?
- This would, first, a sign of serious intolerance, inappropriate for a modern state that respects individual liberties. Our Constitution enshrines the inviolability of conscience. On the other hand, is the violent imposition of a particular moral view, no one including doctors and pharmacists, can be compelled in a state of law, to disconnect their moral convictions its technical activities, to lead a double moral, to act against conscience.

The famous and distinguished professor of the Sorbonne, Jerome Lejeune, has published a very informative article based on uncertain statistics (), from which he concludes, plus some extreme and listed here, that "the campaign for Rubber condoms has nothing to do with the nature of the epidemic (AIDS). It is known that the essential element that has spread is the presence of sodomy or needle exchange, ie, by direct injection of virus or intravenously. The opposite is ruled by the almost complete absence of virus transmission among lesbians.
(In Spain, 85 percent of AIDS patients are homosexuals or drug addicts. Only 4 percent have acquired AIDS through heterosexual transmission, and most of these infections are due to prostitution or the relationships of couples in which one member is in another risk group. In short, the risk of contracting AIDS through heterosexual transmission is virtually zero in the case of marital relationships stable, but instead irregular sexual relations are more dangerous. And they are encouraged by the spread of contraception among adolescents).
The Dr. Leujene says, "that our readers to kindly forgive the crudeness of the scientific facts presented in this article. The purpose is honesty, and it need to be exposed because a society that refuses to say that all scientists are agree to have seen. " AIDS-Leujene explains, "is a simple consequence of disorderly use of nature: the vagina is open outward to allow the propagation of the species (sperm entry, and nine months later, out of the child), would be a open the doors to infection if not protected by a special lining that viruses can hardly penetrate. By contrast, the rectum, for to assimilate the last food supplies, contains highly developed lymphatic vessels that reabsorb almost everything (including drugs and viruses). This provision is not normally dangerous because this channel does not open except to download the contents of the rectum not let anything. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that anti-natural use, for injection into the rectum or in the venous circulation, open the door to a virus that normally would have almost no chance of success "
Leujene concludes by recalling: "that violates the laws of nature, only God can truly forgive him, man sometimes forgives, nature never forgives not: she is not a person"

Public administration is charging it with a daunting moral responsibility. Dare to account for the results of its ongoing campaign in 15 or 25 years? There are things that do not require the title of prophet to be foretold. The cruel result of the drug was sung. And yet, far from being pursued as a heinous crime, was promoted. Now, how many families suffer a tragedy unparalleled and almost always irreversible? The solvent effects of neurotization Freudian sexuality and are more than sung, are visible. How is possible that those responsible for public health and welfare of a civilized country close their eyes to reality so glaring? Antonio Orozco

(*) In Argentina, the same campaign has failed miserably. Recently released (Clarín 23.10.1905) almost 90% of AIDS infections occur through sexual contact. The programs of "reproductive health" to carry on this campaign of "safe sex" based on the use of contraceptives and condoms, although they have presented themselves as indispensable to eliminate teenage pregnancy and AIDS, have revealed that produce the opposite effect : increase of early pregnancy and disease transmission diseases, including AIDS. Who is responsible now?

Pro-Life More 23/10/2005