safe sex thymus
Failure of the campaigns. Analysis of the campaigns of "safe sex"
By Antonio Orozco
Fortunately, sex is not taboo, something that can not lie or be silenced. But, "writes Claudia Sorgi, in these times has become no less serious," a fetish, a kind of divinity adored, feared, spoiled and used obsessively as a sign of affirmation and realization. "witnessing a clear inflation of sex. The theme pervades the conversations of coffee, large or small screens, magazines, newspapers and radio, advertising and private advertising. It seems that happens a kind of universal obsession with sex. Although we have to clarify.'s obsession is not the values \u200b\u200bcontained in the sex itself, but for the pleasure genital uses certain well-known feature, disconnected from their natural result: the fidelity and procreation.
FREUDIAN We are facing a wave of materialism which reduces man to sex, sensuality and sex saturated. This trend is charged exorbitant always decadent times, has been nurtured by a pseudo popularize Freud knew half a century ago. This is a method devised to cure certain psychopathological states, known as the "psychoanalysis" imposed in many classrooms and medical centers recently. So great has been its success that many who have read all of Freud, but also numerous professional short notice, would be shocked by what they just said. Freud is still in limited areas of scientific and cultural level, a kind of untouchable sacred monster of experimental psychology. This being well, no wonder the inertia still maintains great strength and is useful to hear the voice of the most competent and advanced expert in therapeutic psychopathology.
Polaino Lorente, professor of psychopathology, of Madrid's Complutense University, has published several papers on the subject and, recently, an article is particularly illustrative (), which collects opinion of other scientists, like Sir Peter Medawar, Nobel Prize in Medicine and Hans J. Eysenck, professor of psychology at the University of London. The latter has written an essay based has an eloquent title: "Decline and Fall of the Freudian Empire (). After examining
for decades, cases treated by Freud, Eysenck concluded that "Freud was certainly a genius, but not science but propaganda, no rigorous test, but the art of persuasion, not the scheme experiments, but of literary art. " Eysenck says that although it looks like a hard trial, the future support.
For his part, Dr. Polaino Lorente says that while supporters of Freudian psychoanalysis to Freud regarded as the liberator of man's sexual repression, the fact is that not only did no such thing, but something quite different: he tried to understand the neurosis from a purely sexual point of view and what he did, in fact, was sexualizing neurosis and, therefore, neurotic human sexuality. "No longer funny," added the professor of the Complutense, that the greater contact of a client with psychoanalytic interpretations-one contact is always compromised, because it requires them to believe, "Most frequently reported sexual neuroses. Can you call this sexual liberation? Freud has not freed humanity, but has humiliated. He claimed that the man does not feel as master of his acts. According to Freud, our actions always respond to an unconscious motivation, so that no would be room for freedom: man of the Freudian interpretation is nothing more than an automaton service instinctive sexual drive, more or less latent.
Is there no truth in the theories of Freud? "Something There" says the professor Polaino. But he adds that "together, are interpretations with little scientific value." Nobel Prize of Medicine Sir Peter Medawar, Freudianism has qualified as one of the saddest and most bizarre passages in the history of twentieth century thought. "Eysenck adds that the Psychoanalysis remains but one interpretation imaginary pseudo-events, treatment failures, illogical and inconsistent theories, kidnappings disguised as their predecessors, misperceptions of value not shown and a dictatorial and intolerant group of followers who do not insist on the truth, but propaganda. "
Eysenck claims that Freud's tenets have been undermining the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof civilization, and moral standards subjectivizing disrupt healthy exercise of sexuality. By the way, have infiltrated the thinking and the life of man in the street, not through reading the works of Freud, but of great influence he had on the "established -ment "literature.
Beyond all science-fiction, seems literally true that Max has been the ironic epitaph attached bullet.
All these issues deserve special consideration as the Ministries of Health and Social Affairs have launched a campaign aimed at adolescents and youth, promoting the widespread use of condoms. According to them, the goal is to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, especially AIDS, and unwanted pregnancies, which may arise from growing sex among adolescents and youth.
However, the deep motivations of the campaign are very dubious, because it is incredible that the aforementioned ministries lack the data provided by the current science on these issues. Those responsible for campaign seem anchored in a Freudian sexology, and overcome decades ago by leading psychiatrists and disqualified from the results that around 50 are in sight. Could only be explained, in our view, a materialist ideology messianic mentality underlying the official. Although the campaign is to sweeten with words like "courage" and "spirit" (but also used language that has been correctly labeled as "vulgar" and "vulgarity"), the practical reality is that they reduce the man passion as they have done, for example, Marx, Freud and Sartre-deniers all the intimate personal liberty, and obsolete, "without possibility of maintaining the person's own dominion over the disorder of sensuality. Even authors more reasonable, simple agnostics such as Nobel laureate Albert Camus, recognized that objective values \u200b\u200bdo not exist or are no rational basis if not on a transcendent (God). On the other hand is very eloquent historical fact we are witnessing: the countries of Eastern Europe who have spent 70 years of official persecution materialism, burst into jubilation after shake off the oppressive yoke of religious feelings (the deepest in the man) and yearn for a revival of Christianity (not to mention economic failure)
But most striking perhaps, is that the data collected today by scientists who know or should know, deny health authorities for purposes which are presented as evidence of behavior that otherwise are taken as immoral in the most important ethical traditions. Campaign against them is a real "ethical revolution" unjustified can not only bring greater social inequality.
adjudged reasonably CAMPAIGN
Although we can not ignore, judge, therefore, intimate intentions of the promoters of the advertising of condoms among teenagers, the campaign itself, can and should be judged rationally. No need to do so, the Catholic faith. The English Episcopal Conference, which has proved so cautious in recent times in his statements touching on the performance of public administration has been unable to speak for less clearly: "We also believe that this campaign violates law religious freedom: the state, in effect, taking sides against certain religious groups "(). Naturally, the arguments of the Episcopal Conference is basically theological. But it should be noted that criticism of the campaign include it from a purely rational budgets. There are very clear arguments are strictly rational that show the irrationality of the Government's action in this regard.
the guise of
CAMPAIGN The official campaign has sought to justify on health grounds: preventing teenage pregnancy and AIDS.
funny thing is that many things have been silenced. Has been hidden, for example, that sexual promiscuity is intended directly or indirectly lead to many more pregnancies and AIDS than perhaps avoid the use of condoms. Has concealed the fact that the condom is not an insurmountable barrier to sperm, much less for the AIDS virus, which is 500 times smaller. Has concealed the fact that such campaigns, with the same apparent reasons were made decades ago in other countries with very different result to that announced by its promoters ()
Hides the use of condoms is not trivial, as you can be selling candy to the school door . Indigestion for candy is easy to cure. But virginity, once lost and not regained. And if the relationship is not legitimate under the natural law within marriage, that act contrary to the personal nature of both the woman and the man, marks the person in a profound way. If you continue along the same lines, it means very wrong marriage. Contraception is regarded as "normal" (as happens to many this, unfortunately). Reduced genital sexuality and the person to object, and the spouse to be nice ... in bed: an interchangeable lens. Dissolve the sense of paternity and filiation, which, as experience is plentiful, the family dissolves, is installed in the society, without remedy, adultery and infidelity as a system. Finally, the obvious sadness in the faces along the streets of countries that have already come to this. And it's a well-proven experience! In other words, it is not a trivial matter, which can "pass" one, whatever our ethical criteria. Only someone ignorant, frivolous and weighing the words I write can be considered trivial, Government advertising promoting condoms.
Dr. Gonzalo Herranz give us your opinion in an interview published in various media.
- Professor Herranz, how do you see the current official campaign about condoms?
- This campaign has shown manipulative and aggressive. Is leading teenagers to permissiveness, invites promiscuous behavior. Not to appear prudish, has fallen into the evil. Been led to believe many gullible and naive that the condom is the magic talisman of pleasure and invulnerability, as palatable for adolescents. The campaign, at least, is irresponsible. Has seriously distorted the message of the foremost experts in the field, the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta (USA). Has shut its main part: that abstinence and sexual intercourse with a partner mutually faithful, uninfected partner are the only totally effective prevention strategies.
- What are the consequences of misinformation produced by the campaign, do you foresee in the short term? - I hate to be a prophet of doom, but we have to take a look at the statistics in a few years and see how many people, who will then have 20 and 25, are HIV positive. They are the victims of this scam condom. Note that the hazard rate of condoms is between 15 and 20 percent. That is, they fail in one of every five or six sexual encounters. While AIDS remains a deadly disease, that is an overwhelming risk.
- As a professor of bioethics, can you tell us what criteria must govern the professional practice of physician and pharmacist are encouraged to prescribe or sell condoms?
- If a doctor or a pharmacist judged based on real data, scientific and reliable, that the condom does not provide acceptable protection against human immunodeficiency virus, are not required to recommend or dispensed. His decision is rational and so must give it to understand their patients or clients.
- What if the State is unwilling to accept the conscientious objection of doctors and pharmacists who do not cooperate in his campaign and do not prescribe or dispense condoms?
- This would, first, a sign of serious intolerance, inappropriate for a modern state that respects individual liberties. Our Constitution enshrines the inviolability of conscience. On the other hand, is the violent imposition of a particular moral view, no one including doctors and pharmacists, can be compelled in a state of law, to disconnect their moral convictions its technical activities, to lead a double moral, to act against conscience.
The famous and distinguished professor of the Sorbonne, Jerome Lejeune, has published a very informative article based on uncertain statistics (), from which he concludes, plus some extreme and listed here, that "the campaign for Rubber condoms has nothing to do with the nature of the epidemic (AIDS). It is known that the essential element that has spread is the presence of sodomy or needle exchange, ie, by direct injection of virus or intravenously. The opposite is ruled by the almost complete absence of virus transmission among lesbians.
(In Spain, 85 percent of AIDS patients are homosexuals or drug addicts. Only 4 percent have acquired AIDS through heterosexual transmission, and most of these infections are due to prostitution or the relationships of couples in which one member is in another risk group. In short, the risk of contracting AIDS through heterosexual transmission is virtually zero in the case of marital relationships stable, but instead irregular sexual relations are more dangerous. And they are encouraged by the spread of contraception among adolescents).
The Dr. Leujene says, "that our readers to kindly forgive the crudeness of the scientific facts presented in this article. The purpose is honesty, and it need to be exposed because a society that refuses to say that all scientists are agree to have seen. " AIDS-Leujene explains, "is a simple consequence of disorderly use of nature: the vagina is open outward to allow the propagation of the species (sperm entry, and nine months later, out of the child), would be a open the doors to infection if not protected by a special lining that viruses can hardly penetrate. By contrast, the rectum, for to assimilate the last food supplies, contains highly developed lymphatic vessels that reabsorb almost everything (including drugs and viruses). This provision is not normally dangerous because this channel does not open except to download the contents of the rectum not let anything. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that anti-natural use, for injection into the rectum or in the venous circulation, open the door to a virus that normally would have almost no chance of success "
Leujene concludes by recalling: "that violates the laws of nature, only God can truly forgive him, man sometimes forgives, nature never forgives not: she is not a person"
Public administration is charging it with a daunting moral responsibility. Dare to account for the results of its ongoing campaign in 15 or 25 years? There are things that do not require the title of prophet to be foretold. The cruel result of the drug was sung. And yet, far from being pursued as a heinous crime, was promoted. Now, how many families suffer a tragedy unparalleled and almost always irreversible? The solvent effects of neurotization Freudian sexuality and are more than sung, are visible. How is possible that those responsible for public health and welfare of a civilized country close their eyes to reality so glaring? Antonio Orozco
(*) In Argentina, the same campaign has failed miserably. Recently released (Clarín 23.10.1905) almost 90% of AIDS infections occur through sexual contact. The programs of "reproductive health" to carry on this campaign of "safe sex" based on the use of contraceptives and condoms, although they have presented themselves as indispensable to eliminate teenage pregnancy and AIDS, have revealed that produce the opposite effect : increase of early pregnancy and disease transmission diseases, including AIDS. Who is responsible now?
Pro-Life More 23/10/2005
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