Sunday, December 4, 2005

Explain Working Of Camera

"Sex ...? And why not ...? (IV)

Five clear ideas

In the first three articles we have discussed extensively the benefits of maintaining purity in courtship and the problems of getting involved with sex in it.

If it is so clear that losing the purity has too many negative consequences, and there are many people who does not live, does this mean they are idiots? No. Most times the problem is not lack of intelligence but of naivete. Things they thought they would never pass, begin to pass ... and more and more often ... and deeper and deeper. Thus, once bogged down in sensuality, come to think that it is impossible to live such high ideals, and finally after justifying what they once seemed frightening.

happens that because of the relationship between affection and passion, and the weakness of our nature, it is relatively easy to get into these issues. If you're not careful and you are exposed to hazardous situations, it is easy to lose control of yourself / and from the situation. Between a controlled situation out of control and a very few moments, and in risky situations fate decide. Your sex life can not rely on luck. Therefore, you should take good care of the treasure of your purity and no unnecessary risks.
style dating
decide about everything. If two lovers as they are related to the couple on TV, have it difficult. In a relationship based on demonstrations of affection are just body (hugging, kissing, fondling ...) there is no way to maintain purity. Therefore, an important clue is the style they impose on their relationship: how they look at each other, how they are treated, what they do, etc.. The type of treatment that is fundamental.
Now in this paper just wanted to mention one essential virtue: prudence. If two lovers are cautious, as not want to happen will not happen.

guy respect his girlfriend, if from the beginning, you are so inclined, speak with her, and help each other.

girl kept her purity if, from the beginning, knows what can happen and is determined not to pass. When the game does not go into the sentimentality and false obligations to demonstrate love by sex. When it is determined to lose her boyfriend if necessary. Is this too? Yes, but worth it to keep it because if you have to give up their conscience, to offend God and surrender your dignity, the price you are asking is too expensive and should not pay. The reason is clear: one of the things crazy that a girl can do is marry someone who does not respect. No girl should be willing to pay such a high price.

1) You Can not complain.
only what you let happen, because if there is violence, the question is not pure but that requires police intervention ... So, you're responsible for stopping the development of dangerous situations. How many girls meet a boy with the intention of having sex? Most of the time that happens is something that "happens." They do not know exactly how or why ... and perhaps wish would have happened ... I do not deny that there is something you can too fool in the matter. You should avoid being naive and from the beginning to know what can happen and take steps not to go. There is nothing more dangerous than thinking that you're different from others and that you not going to happen.

2) The way to avoid mourn is to say "no" on time.
Men and women are different in our sexuality and who can and must stop is the girl. And this must be done at first. The line should not cross is that between affection of sensuality. When passion awake, that means you've gone too far and it is time to reverse. Sexuality is a dynamic and if you allow to the "process" start, risking too much, because the process itself tends to its natural end: complete sexual intercourse. If you do not want to have sex, you should begin to have ... What sense does it make your body as an object, allowing passionate kissing, hugging, touching unclean ...? All these things are the preparation of marriage act, and it is just sex, but do not end up "process." It is not uncommon for a sexual relationship is a result of uncontrolled passion, and therefore, if you want to avoid, you have to avoid what leads to it. A nice guy may need a good girl you stop it when he can not stop himself.

3) Avoiding embarrassing and uncomfortable situations, avoid problems.
The defense of pure love requires that you avoid the occasions that make it easier for the excitement of sensuality. Certain environments ignite the first sparks of sensuality. In particular, there are five things to avoid if you really want your boyfriend and you want to keep a pure love. Are loneliness, darkness, the car, alcohol and more saturated with sensuality.

a) If you avoid being alone with a boy, 95% of the problem is solved, because in public places does not matter because, if you have a modicum of dignity, there are things not to do in front of others. So the presence others is a good protection. There he will not suggest anything wrong, your hands will remain calm, and so on. What is the point to visit or receive visits when no other people in the house ... or those who are, are you sleeping? Honest people do not receive visits from people of the opposite sex when you're at home. What is the point of watching a movie alone, worse if it is a sensual film lying on the same couch ...?

b) In the dark sensuality is more active in the romantic atmosphere. It is easier to fall at midnight at noon ... Believe it or not affect the amount of light ... The view is our sense highest, spiritual difficulties in operation does not lead to anything good. Moreover, in another sense the darkness becomes more sensitive: the touch. A blind man has a higher sensitivity to your touch just because you can not see. Touch is our crudest sense. You do not need light to operate, and in the absence of light is more "awake." Is it necessary to clarify that sexuality works with the sense of touch?

c) A car is a conveyance, not a place of meeting room conversations between a boy and a girl. If you park for a chat or any other excuse ... do not fool yourself, something bad will happen. There you have it all together: darkness, loneliness, little space inability to cum to the side ...

d) Another important point is to keep the alcohol inside the bottle and thus outside of the two, as the Americans say: "if you want to think, do not drink."

e) Certain places, clubs, certain pubs ... - awaken the sensual passion. Loud music that not only can talk but it affects your sensibilities, not only the ears, "feel" the music in the skin and whole body vibrates. Darkness with flashes of light that dazzle. Many liters of alcohol and drunks everywhere. Dedicated people to enjoy the body of the passenger. Some dances involve physical contact as your body becomes an object that is enjoyed. In such an environment, a "normal" with a "normal" looks like a Martian just arrived from Mars. If many people are doing what you do not want to do ... should ask "What does a girl like me in a place like this?"

also can help you discern the appropriateness of the situation, loneliness, dark, sensual-place car or the tunnel of time: travel with your imagination twenty-five years into the future and ask: "Would I want my daughter was in an environment like this?" This thought might change your initial assessment as to presumed innocence of the site, because it will give the objectivity that may have lacked in the beginning.
Get in a situation in which you can slip and get to the bottom of the cliff into something you'll regret all your life ... is just stupid. No need ... exposure ... why? Who is Wise ... is smart ...

4) Avoid being too naive and too trusting.
When you're sure nothing will happen to you, you're in trouble, because that overconfidence will make you lack wisdom. Knowing your personal weakness and the other person, the reasonable attitude is prudence. A good girl can really help a good guy, stopping when he begins to lose control of himself. Alleged good intentions, prudence is key.
I do not say you have to be a suspicious, but relying too often ends badly ... There is a popular saying that "confidence man kills a pregnant woman ..." I could tell of girls who have been raped by a friend because they were alone in his room ... Or girls who ended up having it naively went to the home of a friend because he had said he wanted to introduce to your parents ... which of course were not in the house ... And thousands of other traps.

5) Please do not accept blackmail ...
The famous phrase "If you love me, demostrámelo" is nothing but extortion. Having sex, giving up your principles and dignity, not the way to show love. Sex is a gift, not an obligation. The answer should be: "If you love me, Respect me." Does it make sense to ask someone to resign his conscience as a proof of love, just to satisfy his passion? If we accept what you should not, just to keep the sex would be a "bribe" you're selling your body, paying for their company and friendship with sex ... is this not prostitution? If you really want, you should be strict with him. If you're girlfriend with anyone who pressures you for sex, it is clear that you are engaged to the wrong person.

Too bad so many girls have had sex without wanting to ... just because they could not say no to time.

Author: Paul Writes


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