dating Types
sense of engagement. Types of dating
Lupita Cervantes
Some of the engagements in which you can position yourself:
The early bird
The 'nothing to do'
The 'pours honey'
The masochist
The superhero
The Amigans
The 'worst-is-nothing'
The jailer
The 'all-out'
The early bird
Here the phrase does not apply to early bird God helps. The early-morning engagement refers to those couples that are still really small and lack a true immensity of time to get married (because we all know that dating is a stage of awareness and acceptance where the couple prepares for a possible marriage).
still lack high school, high school, career and work about two years, at least to raise some pocket money. Your Account ... Here we encounter dating five, six, nine years, which, believe it or not can be quite harmful, because sometimes they forgo stages that want to come back later, and because when things become monotonous and boring, one of them can fill and leave the other for someone else.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
If you're still in high school or high school, that is, between 12 and 18, better not get involved nothing too serious. Go out with friends, have fun and give yourself the chance to meet. This way you know exactly what you throw, what kind of dating you want and what qualities you consider essential in a partner. Just so you have a point of comparison.
Remember this: one day, sooner or later, you will be time to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, but now it's time to make friends, meet people, to enjoy healthy ... do not change it for something that will come anyway.
The 'nothing to do' Go thou
know why these two got engaged, but the truth is that they have nothing in common tastes, habits, beliefs, education, social class, views, friends, families, etc. Maybe they got engaged because they were attracted to the surface of the other person: I liked your smile, I love the look, is handsome or very beautiful, but ultimately think differently about important issues such as: respect life, dating and premarital sex, religious beliefs, work, family, etc.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
When the couple has no common interests and does not have the rules; when they are unable to share together and the rays of the sun when everyone pulls him by without paying attention to other ... Needless to say that the shine is imminent and necessary. Do not forget that dating is a time for sharing and fellowship.
The 'spill-honey'
is so called because the couple is very syrupy, ie can not be a moment without touching. Whenever you see are cuddling, giving kisses, saying things to her ear and, needless to say, are always sweaty little hand. This is not all bad because, as in any courtship, There is physical attraction, but it is very important that behind the somewhat superficial attraction, developing a much deeper attraction, an emotional attraction. Because, oh, disappointment!, The passion of onset decreases with time and if there is nothing more to sustain the relationship, if the engagement was only physical identification, then the pasteboard is just around the corner.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
At first, all relationships have their stage of spill-honey, but if you have spent several months together and every time you see is only to touch and feel beautiful, if have not had a serious talk between the two, not known in depth because they have been busy pouring honey all over, then I am afraid to say that theirs is pure sexual attraction and have no interest nor care what the other thinks.
Sooner or later, the appeal will end and believe me, also the engagement. A relationship is not worth it, especially if you consider the risks you getting involved with someone who only wants you for your physique, can begin a sexually active and then it is likely that pregnancy will occur. And all because they would not spoil the passion of the moment, ruined his life and maybe that of another innocent.
The masochist
is the kind of relationship where the couple are fighting longer than they are at peace. They can not engage in any conversation without it ending in a horrible argument. Whenever they spend complaining, screaming, hurting ... ie, a constant feeling of unhappiness.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
Discuss: Is your relationship causes you more tears and concerns that laughter and moments of joy? If so, then it's time to run ... But! Who really loves you, only wish you well and does not seek to make you suffer, by contrast, makes every effort to see you happy at any time.
The superhero
Let's say one of the two was spent renting movies superman throughout childhood and as a result of this excess of heroic fantasy, now the above-mentioned above or fervently believe they are something like salvation for your partner.
Well, seriously, this type of engagement is more common than you think. It happens when you fall for someone with problems either physical or emotional and want to resolve or help you feel better. I see a lot in girls who fall for the typical rebellious child, you know, heavy smoker, drunkard, womanizer, even up to half a druggie. They swear they're going to make change, that their love is going to straighten the road ...
How can you tell if you're a superhero boyfriend? Easy. Nothing more to ask yourself how you see your partner. If you see just like you, with normal faults and qualities, then walk well, if you see beneath you, as someone with many problems, low self-esteem, attitude problems, you need someone to help urgently, then you have good wearing your superhero costume.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
No offense, I have only three words for the couple superheroes: ja ja ja. It is very difficult that only love makes a person with a serious change, this requires therapy, will power and that the person you want to change. Do not play ball or images that are Batgirl and Spiderman because you're not. Are an ordinary person with common needs and common qualities, while not have a magic capita makes you fly through space or supernatural powers, they have a boyfriend called normal, with normal faults, someone able to give you security and trust you too.
The Amigans
is a typical specimen that is his girlfriend (or) like it was one of a group of friends. Never has time for her partner because he prefers riding with friends in the burst, and if the bride or groom gets upset by this water ...¡¡¡ !!!... is unleashed World War III because the individual in question argues that it is free, the couple just wants to hoard it, it needs its own space and do not know how many more. Behold, the poor unsuspecting must endure hours of partying with cronies from her boyfriend because no other way to spend time with your sweetie.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
If you read these lines ears buzzed and felt as if a huge index finger will point you directly to your face ... pimpolluela mean that there was an identification between you and this kind of dating. If you are the victim of the situation, that is, if you have to aventarte the marathon every weekend with friends of your boyfriend or girlfriends of your child, you need to speak clearly with your partner and explain that the engagement is something more than friendship. The courtship stage is characterized by a deep knowledge of the other person so that we know clearly if we spend with her the rest of our lives. This can not be achieved without going out alone once in a while and talk about things important to them.
The worst-is-nothing
Suddenly, as if it were the rotavirus, all your friends and your friends start going out with guys and girls and begin forming the couples wedding. You, like the iceberg in the ocean, you still catch the highlights or the sun. That's why you drop the first unwary plump tell you little words of love to your ear.
is normal to feel somewhat isolated because all your friends or your buddies and have a partner. Believe me I know from experience the nightmare of reaching to a party and being alone because they all go together and you did nobody tell you it was for dinner partners. What is not normal is that you launch to start a dating relationship just because you feel urged and urged, as appropriate. It would be very unfair to your partner, do not you think? Worse, how would you feel if you were the worst-is-anything else?
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
is time for you to review in depth what is your concept of dating and what you expect from a relationship. If you're looking for company simply do not feel so alone, you better tell her goodbye the bride or the trouser ... you're not being fair and not fair that sooner or later you will regret it and make it harder to end the relationship. Find more friends, go for a walk together. Remember that an engagement goes beyond the company or friendship and courtship is a commitment to acceptance, respect and love.
The jailer
I have no idea how it feels to be in jail but do not have much experience in these matters to ensure that none of those who have walked this field you want to go back there. Imagine how horrible it must be to be guarded 24 hours a day, do nothing as you wish, live in fear of going to punish you for something you did not, and so on., etc., etc. Creepy right? I'm afraid that this goes beyond the prison walls.
is very common to see young people (men or women) who are enslaved to a couple not allowed to do anything for fear of being away from them. This is sheer lack of confidence in the other person and a dating relationship can not grow stronger unless it has the basis of mutual trust.
Look, when it is a keeper boyfriend: Do not let it out with her friends because she says nothing to link out, not let tight clothing or highlight their physical attributes, does not like to put on makeup and change into nice, is convulsed when he learns that his girlfriend was on the phone with a friend (male, of course) and, worse, gives a stroke if learns that she saw her ex-boyfriend and he talked with him.
If it were a jailer: Want to know where and with whom her boyfriend is 24 hours a day, can not bear to have friends, one dies of rabies every time you know that your ex boyfriend is in the miso where are they and what threatens to quit if she can say hello, Green gets angry when the child comes up to say that Christina Aguilera is very beautiful or that Britney Spears has a great body, organizes a plot with her friends to keep an eye on her boyfriend all day, check out the e-mail account without her lover learns it, and so on. etc.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
If you are the jailer complex, it is best that you analyze your self-esteem. The problem is that you think you are good enough or attractive to keep your partner at your side and do some great tricks to keep her with you, but your game is going to hurt because nobody likes to be with someone who doubts of himself and his partner. Everyone is like and has a personality and style, not destroy the personality of your couples only because you're afraid that someone else will go to the snatch. Talk to her or him and tell him your fears, you will see that you will feel better about yourself and you'll rely much more on it.
The 'all-out' ...
What I can tell you this engagement? It is the best. It is selfless, because it asks nothing in return for giving, is sincere, because it shows up as it is, is respectful, loyal, mature, cheerful, no freedom and confidence and, above all, total fidelity.
is that relationship where you just want to make happy the other, where you worry their problems and successes you glad as if they were your own. Is courtship where both help each other become better and are made for each other, evidence of purity, friendship, sincerity and consistency. Known defects of the other, but accept and struggle to become qualities.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
Adelante! If you continue like this, things will work wonders for healthy fun together know, have many points in common, not only like physically but also emotionally attracted, his communication is excellent and have plans and projects that involve both .
Well there are many styles of engagement that did not develop but the important thing is to analyze their courtship, see if you can improve as individuals and as a couple y. .. Learn to love again!
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