Sunday, November 20, 2005

Heineken Keg Reuse Home Brew

dating Types

sense of engagement. Types of dating
Lupita Cervantes

Some of the engagements in which you can position yourself:
The early bird
The 'nothing to do'
The 'pours honey'
The masochist
The superhero
The Amigans
The 'worst-is-nothing'
The jailer
The 'all-out'

The early bird
Here the phrase does not apply to early bird God helps. The early-morning engagement refers to those couples that are still really small and lack a true immensity of time to get married (because we all know that dating is a stage of awareness and acceptance where the couple prepares for a possible marriage).
still lack high school, high school, career and work about two years, at least to raise some pocket money. Your Account ... Here we encounter dating five, six, nine years, which, believe it or not can be quite harmful, because sometimes they forgo stages that want to come back later, and because when things become monotonous and boring, one of them can fill and leave the other for someone else.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
If you're still in high school or high school, that is, between 12 and 18, better not get involved nothing too serious. Go out with friends, have fun and give yourself the chance to meet. This way you know exactly what you throw, what kind of dating you want and what qualities you consider essential in a partner. Just so you have a point of comparison.
Remember this: one day, sooner or later, you will be time to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, but now it's time to make friends, meet people, to enjoy healthy ... do not change it for something that will come anyway.

The 'nothing to do' Go thou
know why these two got engaged, but the truth is that they have nothing in common tastes, habits, beliefs, education, social class, views, friends, families, etc. Maybe they got engaged because they were attracted to the surface of the other person: I liked your smile, I love the look, is handsome or very beautiful, but ultimately think differently about important issues such as: respect life, dating and premarital sex, religious beliefs, work, family, etc.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
When the couple has no common interests and does not have the rules; when they are unable to share together and the rays of the sun when everyone pulls him by without paying attention to other ... Needless to say that the shine is imminent and necessary. Do not forget that dating is a time for sharing and fellowship.

The 'spill-honey'
is so called because the couple is very syrupy, ie can not be a moment without touching. Whenever you see are cuddling, giving kisses, saying things to her ear and, needless to say, are always sweaty little hand. This is not all bad because, as in any courtship, There is physical attraction, but it is very important that behind the somewhat superficial attraction, developing a much deeper attraction, an emotional attraction. Because, oh, disappointment!, The passion of onset decreases with time and if there is nothing more to sustain the relationship, if the engagement was only physical identification, then the pasteboard is just around the corner.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
At first, all relationships have their stage of spill-honey, but if you have spent several months together and every time you see is only to touch and feel beautiful, if have not had a serious talk between the two, not known in depth because they have been busy pouring honey all over, then I am afraid to say that theirs is pure sexual attraction and have no interest nor care what the other thinks.
Sooner or later, the appeal will end and believe me, also the engagement. A relationship is not worth it, especially if you consider the risks you getting involved with someone who only wants you for your physique, can begin a sexually active and then it is likely that pregnancy will occur. And all because they would not spoil the passion of the moment, ruined his life and maybe that of another innocent.

The masochist
is the kind of relationship where the couple are fighting longer than they are at peace. They can not engage in any conversation without it ending in a horrible argument. Whenever they spend complaining, screaming, hurting ... ie, a constant feeling of unhappiness.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
Discuss: Is your relationship causes you more tears and concerns that laughter and moments of joy? If so, then it's time to run ... But! Who really loves you, only wish you well and does not seek to make you suffer, by contrast, makes every effort to see you happy at any time.

The superhero
Let's say one of the two was spent renting movies superman throughout childhood and as a result of this excess of heroic fantasy, now the above-mentioned above or fervently believe they are something like salvation for your partner.
Well, seriously, this type of engagement is more common than you think. It happens when you fall for someone with problems either physical or emotional and want to resolve or help you feel better. I see a lot in girls who fall for the typical rebellious child, you know, heavy smoker, drunkard, womanizer, even up to half a druggie. They swear they're going to make change, that their love is going to straighten the road ...
How can you tell if you're a superhero boyfriend? Easy. Nothing more to ask yourself how you see your partner. If you see just like you, with normal faults and qualities, then walk well, if you see beneath you, as someone with many problems, low self-esteem, attitude problems, you need someone to help urgently, then you have good wearing your superhero costume.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
No offense, I have only three words for the couple superheroes: ja ja ja. It is very difficult that only love makes a person with a serious change, this requires therapy, will power and that the person you want to change. Do not play ball or images that are Batgirl and Spiderman because you're not. Are an ordinary person with common needs and common qualities, while not have a magic capita makes you fly through space or supernatural powers, they have a boyfriend called normal, with normal faults, someone able to give you security and trust you too.

The Amigans
is a typical specimen that is his girlfriend (or) like it was one of a group of friends. Never has time for her partner because he prefers riding with friends in the burst, and if the bride or groom gets upset by this water ...¡¡¡ !!!... is unleashed World War III because the individual in question argues that it is free, the couple just wants to hoard it, it needs its own space and do not know how many more. Behold, the poor unsuspecting must endure hours of partying with cronies from her boyfriend because no other way to spend time with your sweetie.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
If you read these lines ears buzzed and felt as if a huge index finger will point you directly to your face ... pimpolluela mean that there was an identification between you and this kind of dating. If you are the victim of the situation, that is, if you have to aventarte the marathon every weekend with friends of your boyfriend or girlfriends of your child, you need to speak clearly with your partner and explain that the engagement is something more than friendship. The courtship stage is characterized by a deep knowledge of the other person so that we know clearly if we spend with her the rest of our lives. This can not be achieved without going out alone once in a while and talk about things important to them.

The worst-is-nothing
Suddenly, as if it were the rotavirus, all your friends and your friends start going out with guys and girls and begin forming the couples wedding. You, like the iceberg in the ocean, you still catch the highlights or the sun. That's why you drop the first unwary plump tell you little words of love to your ear.
is normal to feel somewhat isolated because all your friends or your buddies and have a partner. Believe me I know from experience the nightmare of reaching to a party and being alone because they all go together and you did nobody tell you it was for dinner partners. What is not normal is that you launch to start a dating relationship just because you feel urged and urged, as appropriate. It would be very unfair to your partner, do not you think? Worse, how would you feel if you were the worst-is-anything else?
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
is time for you to review in depth what is your concept of dating and what you expect from a relationship. If you're looking for company simply do not feel so alone, you better tell her goodbye the bride or the trouser ... you're not being fair and not fair that sooner or later you will regret it and make it harder to end the relationship. Find more friends, go for a walk together. Remember that an engagement goes beyond the company or friendship and courtship is a commitment to acceptance, respect and love.

The jailer
I have no idea how it feels to be in jail but do not have much experience in these matters to ensure that none of those who have walked this field you want to go back there. Imagine how horrible it must be to be guarded 24 hours a day, do nothing as you wish, live in fear of going to punish you for something you did not, and so on., etc., etc. Creepy right? I'm afraid that this goes beyond the prison walls.
is very common to see young people (men or women) who are enslaved to a couple not allowed to do anything for fear of being away from them. This is sheer lack of confidence in the other person and a dating relationship can not grow stronger unless it has the basis of mutual trust.
Look, when it is a keeper boyfriend: Do not let it out with her friends because she says nothing to link out, not let tight clothing or highlight their physical attributes, does not like to put on makeup and change into nice, is convulsed when he learns that his girlfriend was on the phone with a friend (male, of course) and, worse, gives a stroke if learns that she saw her ex-boyfriend and he talked with him.
If it were a jailer: Want to know where and with whom her boyfriend is 24 hours a day, can not bear to have friends, one dies of rabies every time you know that your ex boyfriend is in the miso where are they and what threatens to quit if she can say hello, Green gets angry when the child comes up to say that Christina Aguilera is very beautiful or that Britney Spears has a great body, organizes a plot with her friends to keep an eye on her boyfriend all day, check out the e-mail account without her lover learns it, and so on. etc.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
If you are the jailer complex, it is best that you analyze your self-esteem. The problem is that you think you are good enough or attractive to keep your partner at your side and do some great tricks to keep her with you, but your game is going to hurt because nobody likes to be with someone who doubts of himself and his partner. Everyone is like and has a personality and style, not destroy the personality of your couples only because you're afraid that someone else will go to the snatch. Talk to her or him and tell him your fears, you will see that you will feel better about yourself and you'll rely much more on it.

The 'all-out' ...
What I can tell you this engagement? It is the best. It is selfless, because it asks nothing in return for giving, is sincere, because it shows up as it is, is respectful, loyal, mature, cheerful, no freedom and confidence and, above all, total fidelity.
is that relationship where you just want to make happy the other, where you worry their problems and successes you glad as if they were your own. Is courtship where both help each other become better and are made for each other, evidence of purity, friendship, sincerity and consistency. Known defects of the other, but accept and struggle to become qualities.
Tip: Take it or leave it ...
Adelante! If you continue like this, things will work wonders for healthy fun together know, have many points in common, not only like physically but also emotionally attracted, his communication is excellent and have plans and projects that involve both .
Well there are many styles of engagement that did not develop but the important thing is to analyze their courtship, see if you can improve as individuals and as a couple y. .. Learn to love again!


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safe sex thymus

Failure of the campaigns. Analysis of the campaigns of "safe sex"
By Antonio Orozco

Fortunately, sex is not taboo, something that can not lie or be silenced. But, "writes Claudia Sorgi, in these times has become no less serious," a fetish, a kind of divinity adored, feared, spoiled and used obsessively as a sign of affirmation and realization. "witnessing a clear inflation of sex. The theme pervades the conversations of coffee, large or small screens, magazines, newspapers and radio, advertising and private advertising. It seems that happens a kind of universal obsession with sex. Although we have to clarify.'s obsession is not the values \u200b\u200bcontained in the sex itself, but for the pleasure genital uses certain well-known feature, disconnected from their natural result: the fidelity and procreation.

We are facing a wave of materialism which reduces man to sex, sensuality and sex saturated. This trend is charged exorbitant always decadent times, has been nurtured by a pseudo popularize Freud knew half a century ago. This is a method devised to cure certain psychopathological states, known as the "psychoanalysis" imposed in many classrooms and medical centers recently. So great has been its success that many who have read all of Freud, but also numerous professional short notice, would be shocked by what they just said. Freud is still in limited areas of scientific and cultural level, a kind of untouchable sacred monster of experimental psychology. This being well, no wonder the inertia still maintains great strength and is useful to hear the voice of the most competent and advanced expert in therapeutic psychopathology.

Polaino Lorente, professor of psychopathology, of Madrid's Complutense University, has published several papers on the subject and, recently, an article is particularly illustrative (), which collects opinion of other scientists, like Sir Peter Medawar, Nobel Prize in Medicine and Hans J. Eysenck, professor of psychology at the University of London. The latter has written an essay based has an eloquent title: "Decline and Fall of the Freudian Empire (). After examining
for decades, cases treated by Freud, Eysenck concluded that "Freud was certainly a genius, but not science but propaganda, no rigorous test, but the art of persuasion, not the scheme experiments, but of literary art. " Eysenck says that although it looks like a hard trial, the future support.
For his part, Dr. Polaino Lorente says that while supporters of Freudian psychoanalysis to Freud regarded as the liberator of man's sexual repression, the fact is that not only did no such thing, but something quite different: he tried to understand the neurosis from a purely sexual point of view and what he did, in fact, was sexualizing neurosis and, therefore, neurotic human sexuality. "No longer funny," added the professor of the Complutense, that the greater contact of a client with psychoanalytic interpretations-one contact is always compromised, because it requires them to believe, "Most frequently reported sexual neuroses. Can you call this sexual liberation? Freud has not freed humanity, but has humiliated. He claimed that the man does not feel as master of his acts. According to Freud, our actions always respond to an unconscious motivation, so that no would be room for freedom: man of the Freudian interpretation is nothing more than an automaton service instinctive sexual drive, more or less latent.
Is there no truth in the theories of Freud? "Something There" says the professor Polaino. But he adds that "together, are interpretations with little scientific value." Nobel Prize of Medicine Sir Peter Medawar, Freudianism has qualified as one of the saddest and most bizarre passages in the history of twentieth century thought. "Eysenck adds that the Psychoanalysis remains but one interpretation imaginary pseudo-events, treatment failures, illogical and inconsistent theories, kidnappings disguised as their predecessors, misperceptions of value not shown and a dictatorial and intolerant group of followers who do not insist on the truth, but propaganda. "
Eysenck claims that Freud's tenets have been undermining the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof civilization, and moral standards subjectivizing disrupt healthy exercise of sexuality. By the way, have infiltrated the thinking and the life of man in the street, not through reading the works of Freud, but of great influence he had on the "established -ment "literature.
Beyond all science-fiction, seems literally true that Max has been the ironic epitaph attached bullet.

All these issues deserve special consideration as the Ministries of Health and Social Affairs have launched a campaign aimed at adolescents and youth, promoting the widespread use of condoms. According to them, the goal is to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, especially AIDS, and unwanted pregnancies, which may arise from growing sex among adolescents and youth.
However, the deep motivations of the campaign are very dubious, because it is incredible that the aforementioned ministries lack the data provided by the current science on these issues. Those responsible for campaign seem anchored in a Freudian sexology, and overcome decades ago by leading psychiatrists and disqualified from the results that around 50 are in sight. Could only be explained, in our view, a materialist ideology messianic mentality underlying the official. Although the campaign is to sweeten with words like "courage" and "spirit" (but also used language that has been correctly labeled as "vulgar" and "vulgarity"), the practical reality is that they reduce the man passion as they have done, for example, Marx, Freud and Sartre-deniers all the intimate personal liberty, and obsolete, "without possibility of maintaining the person's own dominion over the disorder of sensuality. Even authors more reasonable, simple agnostics such as Nobel laureate Albert Camus, recognized that objective values \u200b\u200bdo not exist or are no rational basis if not on a transcendent (God). On the other hand is very eloquent historical fact we are witnessing: the countries of Eastern Europe who have spent 70 years of official persecution materialism, burst into jubilation after shake off the oppressive yoke of religious feelings (the deepest in the man) and yearn for a revival of Christianity (not to mention economic failure)
But most striking perhaps, is that the data collected today by scientists who know or should know, deny health authorities for purposes which are presented as evidence of behavior that otherwise are taken as immoral in the most important ethical traditions. Campaign against them is a real "ethical revolution" unjustified can not only bring greater social inequality.

adjudged reasonably CAMPAIGN
Although we can not ignore, judge, therefore, intimate intentions of the promoters of the advertising of condoms among teenagers, the campaign itself, can and should be judged rationally. No need to do so, the Catholic faith. The English Episcopal Conference, which has proved so cautious in recent times in his statements touching on the performance of public administration has been unable to speak for less clearly: "We also believe that this campaign violates law religious freedom: the state, in effect, taking sides against certain religious groups "(). Naturally, the arguments of the Episcopal Conference is basically theological. But it should be noted that criticism of the campaign include it from a purely rational budgets. There are very clear arguments are strictly rational that show the irrationality of the Government's action in this regard.

the guise of
The official campaign has sought to justify on health grounds: preventing teenage pregnancy and AIDS.
funny thing is that many things have been silenced. Has been hidden, for example, that sexual promiscuity is intended directly or indirectly lead to many more pregnancies and AIDS than perhaps avoid the use of condoms. Has concealed the fact that the condom is not an insurmountable barrier to sperm, much less for the AIDS virus, which is 500 times smaller. Has concealed the fact that such campaigns, with the same apparent reasons were made decades ago in other countries with very different result to that announced by its promoters ()
Hides the use of condoms is not trivial, as you can be selling candy to the school door . Indigestion for candy is easy to cure. But virginity, once lost and not regained. And if the relationship is not legitimate under the natural law within marriage, that act contrary to the personal nature of both the woman and the man, marks the person in a profound way. If you continue along the same lines, it means very wrong marriage. Contraception is regarded as "normal" (as happens to many this, unfortunately). Reduced genital sexuality and the person to object, and the spouse to be nice ... in bed: an interchangeable lens. Dissolve the sense of paternity and filiation, which, as experience is plentiful, the family dissolves, is installed in the society, without remedy, adultery and infidelity as a system. Finally, the obvious sadness in the faces along the streets of countries that have already come to this. And it's a well-proven experience! In other words, it is not a trivial matter, which can "pass" one, whatever our ethical criteria. Only someone ignorant, frivolous and weighing the words I write can be considered trivial, Government advertising promoting condoms.

Dr. Gonzalo Herranz give us your opinion in an interview published in various media.

- Professor Herranz, how do you see the current official campaign about condoms?
- This campaign has shown manipulative and aggressive. Is leading teenagers to permissiveness, invites promiscuous behavior. Not to appear prudish, has fallen into the evil. Been led to believe many gullible and naive that the condom is the magic talisman of pleasure and invulnerability, as palatable for adolescents. The campaign, at least, is irresponsible. Has seriously distorted the message of the foremost experts in the field, the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta (USA). Has shut its main part: that abstinence and sexual intercourse with a partner mutually faithful, uninfected partner are the only totally effective prevention strategies.

- What are the consequences of misinformation produced by the campaign, do you foresee in the short term? - I hate to be a prophet of doom, but we have to take a look at the statistics in a few years and see how many people, who will then have 20 and 25, are HIV positive. They are the victims of this scam condom. Note that the hazard rate of condoms is between 15 and 20 percent. That is, they fail in one of every five or six sexual encounters. While AIDS remains a deadly disease, that is an overwhelming risk.

- As a professor of bioethics, can you tell us what criteria must govern the professional practice of physician and pharmacist are encouraged to prescribe or sell condoms?
- If a doctor or a pharmacist judged based on real data, scientific and reliable, that the condom does not provide acceptable protection against human immunodeficiency virus, are not required to recommend or dispensed. His decision is rational and so must give it to understand their patients or clients.
- What if the State is unwilling to accept the conscientious objection of doctors and pharmacists who do not cooperate in his campaign and do not prescribe or dispense condoms?
- This would, first, a sign of serious intolerance, inappropriate for a modern state that respects individual liberties. Our Constitution enshrines the inviolability of conscience. On the other hand, is the violent imposition of a particular moral view, no one including doctors and pharmacists, can be compelled in a state of law, to disconnect their moral convictions its technical activities, to lead a double moral, to act against conscience.

The famous and distinguished professor of the Sorbonne, Jerome Lejeune, has published a very informative article based on uncertain statistics (), from which he concludes, plus some extreme and listed here, that "the campaign for Rubber condoms has nothing to do with the nature of the epidemic (AIDS). It is known that the essential element that has spread is the presence of sodomy or needle exchange, ie, by direct injection of virus or intravenously. The opposite is ruled by the almost complete absence of virus transmission among lesbians.
(In Spain, 85 percent of AIDS patients are homosexuals or drug addicts. Only 4 percent have acquired AIDS through heterosexual transmission, and most of these infections are due to prostitution or the relationships of couples in which one member is in another risk group. In short, the risk of contracting AIDS through heterosexual transmission is virtually zero in the case of marital relationships stable, but instead irregular sexual relations are more dangerous. And they are encouraged by the spread of contraception among adolescents).
The Dr. Leujene says, "that our readers to kindly forgive the crudeness of the scientific facts presented in this article. The purpose is honesty, and it need to be exposed because a society that refuses to say that all scientists are agree to have seen. " AIDS-Leujene explains, "is a simple consequence of disorderly use of nature: the vagina is open outward to allow the propagation of the species (sperm entry, and nine months later, out of the child), would be a open the doors to infection if not protected by a special lining that viruses can hardly penetrate. By contrast, the rectum, for to assimilate the last food supplies, contains highly developed lymphatic vessels that reabsorb almost everything (including drugs and viruses). This provision is not normally dangerous because this channel does not open except to download the contents of the rectum not let anything. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that anti-natural use, for injection into the rectum or in the venous circulation, open the door to a virus that normally would have almost no chance of success "
Leujene concludes by recalling: "that violates the laws of nature, only God can truly forgive him, man sometimes forgives, nature never forgives not: she is not a person"

Public administration is charging it with a daunting moral responsibility. Dare to account for the results of its ongoing campaign in 15 or 25 years? There are things that do not require the title of prophet to be foretold. The cruel result of the drug was sung. And yet, far from being pursued as a heinous crime, was promoted. Now, how many families suffer a tragedy unparalleled and almost always irreversible? The solvent effects of neurotization Freudian sexuality and are more than sung, are visible. How is possible that those responsible for public health and welfare of a civilized country close their eyes to reality so glaring? Antonio Orozco

(*) In Argentina, the same campaign has failed miserably. Recently released (Clarín 23.10.1905) almost 90% of AIDS infections occur through sexual contact. The programs of "reproductive health" to carry on this campaign of "safe sex" based on the use of contraceptives and condoms, although they have presented themselves as indispensable to eliminate teenage pregnancy and AIDS, have revealed that produce the opposite effect : increase of early pregnancy and disease transmission diseases, including AIDS. Who is responsible now?

Pro-Life More 23/10/2005

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Uninstall Ikea Homeplanner

The whistling and clapping

Fashions change, come and go. Forms of dress, go out, dance, talk, etc.. Most have no future impact on the lives of people. Some do a lot.
seems that fashion is to impose as the girls go to attack and provoke the boys sexually. It's what makes the newspaper Clarin recently wrote on the top of his young charge: "The girls go to the front. This trend is changing sexual habits juveniles. Now, they stomp and attack, and they, disoriented, fold. "He spoke of a" new generation of powerful girls. "The tone of the note was almost positive. Even a girl who seems not traded the first in a bowling alley is nothing.
This article analyzes the trades to the fund. It is not just to read it, is rather to think, and better, to chat with friends.

What is traded?

  • is a type of relationship between boys and girls absolutely casual, based on physical contact and sensual. The trades happen between people no emotional bond that one: they are not dating, not even friends. The trans is a relationship that does not generate any future relationship. It's just a relationship that lasts a while one night. Is a result of being emptied of content dating ... which makes no worthwhile to get a boyfriend. Recently a girl told me she had cut her boyfriend because he lived thinking of other guys ... The friendship is not traded, it's almost supposed to not be.
  • The waiver trades appears when the ideal of a deep love for simple consumer engage in sexual pleasure. Quinceañera is not seeking to establish a stable friendship, seeking only sensual experience of kissing and unbridled lust. Definition excludes loyalty, as both know that before there were many / as other, girls and in a little while more to come tomorrow ... Who are traded might not even say hello, you may never know who really was the other home, or neither agree to its name as perhaps never knew. It is "fun", they hang tight body enjoying the other, and then, if you've seen I do not remember. Think that the kiss no sequelae, which has only part of the load "electricity" own erotic acts, a good dose of adventure and no commitment.
  • At this point we may ask, then what is compromise? According to the dictionary: "To compromise, give in, to reach a compromise or agreement." That is, some kind of agreement or trade. Our case, it is a sensual type transaction. You gave your body to another person so that it will remove the sexual pleasure you can within certain limits. A change that entitles you to enjoy each other's body. That is an agreement to use and be used. Then, first an erotic pleasure is traded.
  • traded But also other things that are not so obvious ...: the pleasure of exchanging a false self-esteem, as they both pretend they are measured at each other ... and this would make them feel valued ... It changes a now, the enjoyment of the moment-by a long-term dignity: there are sequels!, is not a weekend, the waiver of a serious love. Affects the approach to marriage, happiness in marriage, sexual relations in marriage, marital fidelity ...

Is sex without sex?

  • traded Is something innocent? That kissing wildly, tightening and handling is certainly an activity of a sexual nature. Do not think that failure to reach the full sexual act, you have not had sex. Just simply ask what is it that you feel in that situation, and the answer is that you feel sexuality bubbling bubbling like a boiling pot. Arouse sexual passion without intent to have sex just to enjoy sensual sensations sexuality is empty. Furthermore, it is used selfishly another person (even voluntarily leave or express the same desire outrageous: the fact of being used does not detract from selfishness; the two only think of themselves!). Sexual activity is progressive, the turn is just the beginning. When behind the wheel of the car, you put up the engine, embriagiando you put first, start accelerating ... has begun to drive although the car still has not moved an inch. Similarly, starting having sex is a sexual activity but does not end with the "process."
    The problem with the trades is that sexuality empty of content. He claims not to be sexual activity, but only one way to have fun. This delusion "to think that itself is not having sex" is because it is a cheap and banal version of sex. But you do not have the intelligence of Einstein to realize that is the beginning of sexual activity (any sexual act begins there.) Is sex without commitment, without love ... and unfinished "process." By pretending to be sex without sex, cheapens sex. In a sense, quite similar to prostitution: sex with an anonymous, no face or name. It is a sort of prostitution limited and reciprocal. It's rather because mutual sexual excitement is purely for trade: the girl offers her body in exchange for affection, companionship, pleasure, etc.. Sex is disposable, disposable ... and really do it, and which after use is "strip" to another person. It also seems rather to masturbation: degrading the body with sexual self-stimulation, sex without love again (here we use the body of another person, but only his body, no matter who is ...). If sex is reduced to only pleasure, it can never enjoy in all its depth, because sex is something else. Pleasure is only one component and not the most valuable, and even gains value intensity of joy from the rest.

So is sex without love or affection?

  • Yes, and this produces an emotional emptiness. Opens to privacy, it gives one of the largest samples of intimacy and affection to those who do not know. It's like a water pump that works in a vacuum: it is based. Normally seeks to fill in affective deficit. At the time of trades experience feels like to be loved by another, but in reality it is used (and one uses the other). So, whenever the girl feels used: this for the simple reason that it is. She may try to convince you it is okay, but the day Next, when you are alone with itself, finds that the trades will not only filled the emotional vacuum that was intended to fill but it deepened. You feel a waste. The trades seriously affects affective and emotional stability of a person.

Is very close intimacy between two strangers?

  • With trades pretend an intimacy that does not exist. The bodies body intimacy are nameless, faceless, with no history and no future. As a body without a soul is a corpse, one could say that the two bodies Intiman trades alive. It enjoys the body of another for a while. Only matter how well you pass it this time, then it will not matter if the other / a exists or not. The transformation involves the use of the body of a person you do not care / no care (while your body is used by him / her). A person will not be there when you need it. This does great damage and to share intimacy without emotional charge produces a break in the person: it makes a split between sexuality and love ... Break it will be very difficult to repair ... that makes the person incapable of love of truth and that sexuality is no longer a vehicle for expressing love to be an insatiable hunger for pleasure. Therefore, destroys the ability to love.

So is it a lie?

  • The trades work in the realm of falsehood and hypocrisy. Itself is a big lie. It pretends to love to get pleasure, joy pretends to hide the emptiness, it lies in the words of affection and appreciation (if he is cute, you want it ...) are showing signs of intimacy lies with who has not been intimated , it lies even in the data (where you live, who you are, what you do, school, social status ...). Want to be sex without sex, expression of love without affection, closeness without intimacy, a union that no one would like to join ... Inside that all these lies were true, one can imagine the deepest desires of the "trensera": "Pretend you love me," tell me nice things as if you thought, "I pretended that you care," "Tell me you love me though I know it's a lie "...

Is it true that no consequences?

  • advance was unfaithful and compromise future loyalty. When I ask a girl, would you like your mother find braided (for "compromise" is to "braid") with the gardener, or the tennis teacher, or neighbor? Always the answer is "no", followed by a "very different, because she is married. "OK. But it is not so different, the difference is only a matter of time because you're going to be ... And the faithful begins earlier. You can tell your husband, I've been true since before I met I have saved for you. Many have wanted to kiss me, others have dreamed of hands ... but I've always been yours. Furthermore, it appears that he has failed to be faithful before ... it will be later ... Anyway, the weakness is Hence, it is a fact ... the strength to overcome in the future will have to get ...
  • commits future affective. As is evident from the emotions produced by sexual passion is strong and intense. Those emotions "Printed" in memory (either physical, sensible, "photo" imaginative ...) images are not easy to erase. In the future you'll have what the English call "flash back", ie going to the past and with flashes of past experiences. It will be very romantic to be kissing your husband, one whom you've given your life, and be going through your head at that moment so intimate, the flashes of what they felt kissing traded many different partners, and their faces, and laughter. No, you're not alone ... many will follow you emotionally. Create
  • sexual addiction. Disordered sexual activity, ie outside the natural channel for which it was created- creates dependency, that is some loss of freedom. This is because that sex fulfills the law of decreasing repetitions which applies to purely physical pleasures: raising the dose to achieve the same effect ... The most common is the pleasure, less happy and generates a greater anxiety for the pleasure. Thus, while increasing anxiety about the act, the pleasure it produces decreases. Nor can waive the act, or you can enjoy it.
    Sexual addiction is one of the famous psychiatrists who study units: alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex. They are addictive and progressive activities. That is why more and more lost control of the situation and the ability to refuse to settle ... reaches almost unable to be free ... One has come to become a sex addicts. In this case you find yourself transacting transadicto ... almost without realizing it ...
  • Also, do not forget that sexuality is an activity that by its very nature tends to complete the sexual act. Hence the trades always leads to sex. Sooner or later, and rather soon, as soon leave the run-up to meet ... why cut when it comes to the "best"?
    Self-deception is very common, is thought to have controlled the situation perfectly ... when in fact long since lost control. And then, always the same ... the issue ends with the girl crying ... "I never thought we would get this far." But in reality, they got to where it was clear they were going to get, where he directed the actions started. Is that when it comes into play in sexual arousal rather than think it is a "go with limits" is false! At the bottom they know that light a wick, burning and know how to end the only option is the "expert" who is the other ... And if you can stop them .... and if the boy, especially, do not fool with words, words, words ....
  • The trades is one of the most effective in causing a rapid decline self-esteem. Note that the purity is often a problem in people with other problems. Not often found in successful people. It is rare that good learners have them. The same people with high self-esteem. You will not find people with high self-esteem that are promiscuous. The classic profile of the person with issues of chastity is, frustrated in his work lacks maturity, low levels of happiness, emotional deficits and low self-esteem. But it's a vicious circle: low self-esteem, promiscuity, low self inclined to cling desperately to give first ball, which allows the exploitation of the "victim" after compromise feels more garbage than ever before. But DO NOT FORGET YOU CAN LEAVE THIS CIRCLE OF SLAVERY!
  • ago The women traded selfish, insecure, emotionally and sexually unbalanced. Falsely aggressive ... women more emotionally needy experiments ... always emotionally unsatisfactory, unsatisfactory, and outside the context of procreation and even good taste. They know that it is normal that they want to braid, and let them come ... everything appears to be conquest of women is absolutely false, is part of a ritual that has its times, lies, ....
  • Promiscuity is defined as sexual intimacy had with any person, the frequent change of partner of adventures. The trades you into the exclusive club of those who are promiscuous. Welcome! Means that you no longer have privacy. Have you lost ... because it has been given to everyone ... it has been scattered by different clubs. You have been given "little bits" of yourself to different guys ... So shame is lost (by definition is the defense of one's privacy): no privacy to protect.
  • fame is achieved easy girl. The kids know the difference between easy women-those of little value, which you do what you want without a problem, because it leaves them all-and difficult. And you know what to look depending on which is what they want at every moment to enjoy a body or made in boyfriend. It's a matter of doing a small survey to see how much men value girls "transeros" if the value or despise.
  • What will the boy to his friends? An enlarged and expanded version of what happened. Better not write down the terms on which will refer to the girl with his friends ... For quite a few guys out with a girl is a challenge: to see how far I can go with this ...
  • Also, do not forget that all these guys you've traded not die, do not go to live in Algeria ... in the future you will still encounter along the street, in a restaurant ... sometimes you have to submit to your husband and children ... What wonderful memories to share together!

Any other risks?

  • The trades often associated with alcohol abuse. Why? The excuse is that with a bit of alcohol makes it more fun, but the reality is that you need to lose the natural shame, be less self-possessed, and so on., To enter into the dynamics of trades. Investigate the life of "porn stars" ... no wonder they had to get drunk or high to be able to act ... just the beginning ... since then usually because have been corrupted. It is not uncommon for children to encourage girls to take ... just to let them do cost less, lose inhibitions ...
    even happens that you do not know what happened exactly ... and the next day having to ask the other to where it is ... because you do not know.
  • expose me to be raped. This is not an exaggeration. The message I give the boy is total sexual availability: I am at your mercy. No wonder where she wants to stop ... he does not want ... and it all becomes just a matter of strength. Or if you drink more ... or even observer force ... will be not very aware of what happens to you ... and not have ability to do anything not to go. If you go into the dynamics of sexuality, where peers may not depend on you ...
  • The trades can be considered even a paid position. Have you seen that many big nightclubs with posters promoting "free women"? Is it an act of male chivalry and expectant, assume or pretend that the girls "pay" their way into "work"?

Is it not promote sexism?

  • The trades is to teach men that women can use that they like to be used, snogging, hands .... by anyone. Do not forget Some men think that women really want to be sexually harassed, which have only a formal opposition ... but deep down even a violation enjoy as much as they ...

Paul Writes

Justyna Gładysz Gliwice


Here we talk about how they should be the relationships that predate the marriage, to reach their true purpose-not too far: the creation of a family built on the fidelity of conjugal love open to life .
Rafael Ibanez.

One of the most prestigious contemporary psychiatrist, Victor Frankl, in his book Psychoanalysis and existentialism, says even in the love between the sexes is not corporeal, sexual, a primary factor, an end in itself but merely a means expression. Love can be substantial, even without that. Where possible you will want and seek, but, when required renunciation, love is not cool or extinguish (...) The true love need not, in itself, of the body or to arouse or to perform, but It uses both. The man is a composite of spirit soul and body, to whom I will love, the physical relationship sexual, is but a means of expressing what is true love, ie of the spiritual ... (H. Vitae).

postponing the satisfaction of sexual impulse is achieved something very essential: the deepening of the spiritual dimension of love, which is what is called to stand above all physically or mentally avatars that can bring long life. The sacrifice that continence is taught to love the soul, mind and will, which is the most perfect and dignified in man. This sacrifice is the first large donation to be a loved person, the first manifestation of a truly personal love. Sometimes one of the boyfriends more often-he-demand delivery of the other body as proof of love. However, a love that requires testing is delivering his own verdict, says J. Fischer. The characteristic of love to give, not take or possess. Love is sacrifice, "wrote Pemán-and to be happy is to know without running look at the flowers. What if they're torn? Which soon is in your hands a flower faded, withered, without mystery and without charm, unscented, colorless, moth-eaten.

regard to the acts that naturally call to full sexual relationship, you can not do that as a natural consequence is precisely what is avoided. I can not pull a large stone against a glass if I break it, and if the shot, even to declare that he wanted to break the glass, I wanted to. In most things in life, which depends of how or when. How and when to often change what, and transform it profoundly. The flow of the river by its flow is peaceful and fruitful. When you leave here, but disproportionate power river is a cruel monster, which destroys everything in their path. The water is safe according to how you feel. If contaminated, a drop may be sufficient to bring the cemetery.

in human behavior, what we do, depends largely on how and when to do it. Specifically, if the genitalia is used in the context of its own in the service of genuine love, ordained to life, then not only is a good thing, but even can be holy. Those who seek physical pleasure before marriage is left almost inevitably drag to focus on their feelings and get him well for marriage, looking at all the other an instrument of pleasure that the marriage can always use at will. Change of vision after marriage is very difficult. The pursuit of sexual pleasure before marriage spirit leans not see this as just a natural and personal satisfaction in itself, which makes it difficult to link it to yourself to all of life (Lecreq).

A report by the Union des Organismes Internationel Familiaux (München), reads as follows: The whole sex, and fondling producing orgasm, have a fascination for lovers who normally check and prevent them from accurately assessing other elements of marital harmony, especially the mental and spiritual. It often follows the disappointment after the wedding, which is more serious as despised factors can hardly recover. By contrast, when the psychic and spiritual adjustment occurs in full consciousness, the basis is stronger and marital sexual experience is enhanced and becomes increasingly rejuvenated. Premarital sexual experiences, far from helping to love, deformed. He who comes to the marriage without giving him the integrity of the emotional impulse is like a runner who was wounded in the foot before the race line. There is therefore a means to prepare for marriage by carnal experiences ... So not surprising or shocking that married people have to start learning, go through a period of trial and error and that their behavior is sometimes clumsy. It is inevitable and we must say and repeat with insistence that learning is impossible marriage before marriage. It must be said and repeat it, because it constantly tries to elude (Lecreq).

The unique biological structure with dazzling shows clearly that the genital relationship is intrinsically ordered to procreation. Even in the case of infertile couples, in their case something like blindness, the eyes can not see, but in any case, the rationale of the eye is the eye, its structure and context is intrinsically ordered to the vision. As it is human procreation, involves the education of children that are conceived. And the dignity of the human person demands that we are in the midst of a real family, that is, with guarantee of stability and adequate educational opportunities, which is only true in the indissoluble marriage. In fact, in the treatment of people, shaking hands is not the same as giving the hoof: a handshake is a spiritual event, is to give something of the spirit, friendship, understanding, perhaps forgiveness, loyalty, and so on. The hand is not just a piece of meat, bones, nerves, veins and nails. Shaking hands is to give something personal core. Therefore, the total delivery of the body, also gives the whole person, which only makes sense in the marriage. Precisely because the spiritual meaning and purpose of the conjugal act, ordered to love and life, the same union is unlawful and contrary to the nature of the act outside the scope of indissoluble marriage. Full sexual union means, in effect, becoming one flesh.

Monday, November 7, 2005

Positive Is The Grounded Jump Start