There are now 39 weeks brewing the prince charming, is the emotion of the home, but the excitement of knowing that my child will be born in an environment very different from her sisters were born, half respected and surrounded by professionals who believe in the importance of the event occurring in the momento.Amo to those two girls and I would have liked to have the knowledge that now I have to have defended his right to be born with respect. At least I can make them grow with respect
Everything is ready, we as parents, the fairy and the princess and the most important: Arms and Teta not lacking.
Delivery will be in water, at least I try, I'm sure everything will be rather quiet and only see my child born
surrounded by love I confess that I have read much about it, I hope to be ready at the end I feel emotionally q books will fade, and my instinct is to act completely q, and I hope will happen, but everything in the hands of God and Mother Nature both allow us to have a happy end in this pregnancy and a wonderful start in life for my prince charming
Dad I see every day more excited, eager and ready.
q The girls each go through the wardrobe his brother open it and exclaim things like "Ahhh ternurita" "How beautiful it all" both anxious and excited as well. And discuss which of the two will teach you to play the piano and what will you change diapers (I think that left me with all my taste)
recently filled me information on the subject of labor and delivery and I respected would love to share with you, there is an enormous amount of experiences, testimonies and documents that talk about that all women should give birth happily and without suffering, although mine has not happened, I do not feel to have such authority should be but if I think I can tell in my next post as I think it should be and bring to you links and support on the subject to whom they can, will serve in the future.
See you soon, we are ready and only await the signal from the captain of this mission to know that it is time to receive it.
For now I share these positive affirmations for them to use as they see right in their pregnancies
I am a strong and capable woman. How millions of women before me, my pelvis will relax and open. I will accept me and believe it is the correct part for my , and my baby . I will feel the love others have for me during my labor. I'll treat my partner with care during labor and birth. I have a full awareness of success. I have a beautiful body. My body is my friend. A effortless way to bring my baby into the world is the contractions. accept the idea of \u200b\u200bhealthy pain. I have enough love to give to everyone. ay I'm female while I can be strong, safe. My baby knew how to "enter" and is known as "out." For my baby is born, I will help you feel safe and loved. From |
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