Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Can Lotrimin Be Used For Seborrheic Dermatitis

The bag for the hospital

Hello! baby shower step and everything was nice, I promise to post up very soon, but had anas to tell something more interesting or more useful hehe rather
all I am preparing the bag for the hospital, mine and the baby between so many things that I q read the advice of friends are best
have helped me on Facebook, Twitter and some mail ranging from chewing gum to ziploc bags which I found great ideas, you never know: D
mine here and hope you find it useful and if needed You are welcome to copy
Thank you all for your advice and gifts.
The hospital gave us a list of things that are needed especially because they give clothes to the babies during their stay in the hospital which I hope very soon
So I made a fusion of all and this is the result:

Case for Baby:

Diapers (if you give them in the hospital only takes 4 or 5 to exit )
Balm to heal abrasions
Wipes with a package
just 2 short or long sleeve shirt for the cold
2 t-shirts to buckle in front and below (Bodystockings)
2 pairs of socks
cloth shoes
1 outfit to leave the hospital
hat to go out and two to the hospital
wiping cloth wipes and bibs if you consider necessary during lactation
Cobija to exit seat
Car Charger to your taste if you think necessary

For Mom to make your exercise ball during delivery
Two candles in your color favorite (if allowed)
Aromatherapy Company
A q Cobija remember your home (a light blanket)
honey honey or sweet
favorite teas (there is a recipe that I went with chocolate ideal for birth the upload later)
Bathrobe (my birth is in water) will be useful to leave and enter the water if For
Hold for delivery (a top sports or something comfortable if you need)
toiletries and personal (your basic travel toiletry bag) to collect the hair Leagues
towels Sanitary towels
frozen for pain
breast protectors
Bata Slippers, slippers or sandals
Plastic bags for dirty clothes or items to upload and be separated (Ziploc)
Nursing Bra Lingerie Strip
Change outerwear, the ideal is that of the 5 months of pregnancy
Announcement door and souvenirs for the visit

video and photo camera with enough memory or disk rolls as well as the video camera if needed

Many will and patience to get your baby


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