Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Yiff Flash Games Yaoi


There are two ways exergetic power installed capacity of human work is Hey, and due to machines and other technological devices Em. Between these two powers there is a proportional factor so that Em = K (T) · Eh where K (T) is a function technological development T . A merchant ship may have a great power, but requires the power of a human crew to be operational, which will descend on the degree of automation and therefore of technological development.

For example, for the same population as P the degree of technological developments E irreversibility may vary according to the following chart.

The growing relationship between K and T is reasonable in the global economic environment, although there are aspects of technological development does not necessarily imply an increase of K and K can be increased without necessarily having been a technological development.


Remove and processing raw materials to create economic goods requires an expenditure of exergy. It happens that for a given level of technology to extract the first units of material implies a higher exergy that the following expenditure and this cost per unit tends to gradually increase. On the other hand technological development makes the exergetic cost for a given level of extraction or lower processing:

is observed that for every degree of technological development there is a given curve. Each curve consists of segments of different slope, indicating the exergetic cost for an additional unit of good. The unit price of the property to a level of exploitation is therefore the derivative or slope of this graph. On the other hand an increase in technology reduces the exergy cost for a farm level, being able to also find a slope relating the two concepts.


In a scenario where the technology remains stagnant, it can be shown based on grounds that the quantity of goods produced continuously decreases, causing the population to do so accordingly, reaching a rate of exploitation of resources to match itself natural rhythm of their generation.

A certain level of technology implies a per capita usable power given second law, which involves a number of goods per capita determined. Since the exergy needed for extraction of raw materials is continuously increasing, the number of goods per capita is steadily decreasing. When number of goods falls below certain goods the population structure is modified, decreasing to reach a pre-industrial level.

technological increase

therefore to maintain the current population level is necessary to increase technological continuous technology This increase is related to the second law designed to power it. In general you can set the following equation:

E Where is the exergy available per capita is due to E = Eh + K (T) · Eh and Z is increased exergy per capita cost of the products they consume. Then F is a factor indicating the factor that has increased the purchasing power per capita, and that may be related to population growth. If F is less than 1 per capita purchasing power decreases if F = 2 per capita purchasing power is doubled.


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