Sunday, July 6, 2008

First Response Test Light Line

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Alfonso Aguilo

An unusual sense

"I think so since he was 14 years. At that time I had seen where sexual frivolity had enough of my classmates.

"Since my teens I thought the sexual freedom that I most wanted is to one day be happily married. And I thought I had to keep me for marriage, and have never had the slightest doubt about my decision.

And I thought I should marry a man who had a sufficiently high concept of his future wife to be kept full for her. Not that this is the only thing I value in a man, but I find it much easier to trust someone like that. "

The speaker was a brilliant young British lawyer named Angela Ellis-Jones, during a televised debate on the BBC. Defended an opinion striking unusual ease (at least in this program.)

"Since then, Ellis-Jones continued," I was clear that when separated from marriage and sex, blurs the difference between being married and not pregnant, and, unwittingly, that person is devalued the very idea of \u200b\u200bmarriage .

"chastity before marriage is an important issue. The more lightly give one's body, the less value will sex. Who truly love someone, you want to marry her. Sex without marriage is necessarily tentative, suggests that a test that is still pending if someone gets better, and I value too much to let a man treat me that way.

"Perhaps the attitude that seems to keep me isolated, but I think not: I think the wise man will only see on these principles a matter of greater appreciation."

face an uncertain future

Some think it is realistic to seek erotic gratification as soon as possible, and providing them to others. Say prefer the 'bird in hand "to an ideal love to see it as something far away. And while it is understandable that a person is dazzled by the immediate gratification and prefer anything that promises regarded as uncertain, it seems clear that the task of building one's life is precisely the desire to open new horizons, to learn to value what not yet have in hand but, by value, we are called to reach. So I understood this young British lawyer.

be impacted by the desire to satisfy our instincts is something really valuable from achieving it. Sexual activity outside its proper context to an instinctive response that suddenly ignites and then goes away. It is a blaze so intense as fleeting, barely leaves nothing behind, and that easily leads to a narrow circle of eroticism in their quest always dissatisfied, consider other higher concepts of love are just a dream, if not taboo or something out of repression.

Socrates and human fulfillment

Socrates spoke of an inner voice speaking to him, advised him, rebuked him, urging him to seek the truth. That voice is the most lucid of ourselves, and warns us that we should not sit on mere feelings, but seek truth in them, their true value, and not the one at hand, but the deepest.

is not, therefore, to control the instinctive tendencies so stoic. It is ardently higher values. Rather than control of desires, we should speak of a straight search for human fulfillment. This is not to suppress the trends, but knowing guide them. A conductor does not repress any instrumentalist, but points to each route to be followed to perform its function fully so, in a moment of silence will, other will be aligned with other instruments, and sometimes must play a strong role.

When someone discovers the reality of love, he is certain of having discovered a wonderful land hitherto unknown and unsuspected. It is considered happy and graceful, and rightly so. It's a pity not to accommodate the natural rate of maturation of love, some want to eat the green fruit and lose the goal that might have come to achieve.


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