Suppose on a piece of material is a radiation impact of a particular wavelength, may be that on a piece of stone can affect infrared radiation U with a heating rate of 50 watts. The stone absorbs incident radiation and heats up until it acquires a temperature at which the rate of radiation absorbed and emitted are equal at this point provides a situation of equilibrium or steady state.
question arises the question, how the equilibrium temperature change if instead of 50 W the same frequency infrared source U has a power of 10 ^ 90 W?
Imagine you have a gas that is able to absorb the incident radiation with the expectation of increased temperature. Instead of a gas could be a solid whose atoms are united forces through the above link without a fundamental change.
On the gas particles affect the photons, if the gas particle is moving against the direction of the photons then the particle interaction and thus curb cool , whereas if the particle moves in the same direction as the photon in the particle interaction rate and therefore won the warm gas. In principle, the probability that a gas particle is slowed or accelerated is identical for both the temperature should remain constant despite on the gas are radiating photons Why then heated the substances? because when a particle interacts with a photo may not only slow, but gain speed in the opposite direction to the initial.
is observed as the particle has been stopped and then gained speed in the opposite direction.
The kinetic energy of each particle in the gas distribution follows a given while the energy distribution of photons from the source depends on how it is configured, for example if there is a single laser wavelength and energy.
This figure contains a hypothetical kinetic energy distribution, depending on the direction in which the particle moves Ec is assumed to be positive or negative. If this feature is added the incident photon energy Ec is obtained end of the particles have interacted, assuming that photons are of a single wavelength is sufficient to move the graph to the right.
The net energy gained particles in the process corresponds to the particles to be stopped have begun to move in the opposite direction, this corresponds to the area that is marked in green. As the gas is heated fence the "mountains" are going away from home the green area decreases in size and therefore the energy gained by interaction is reduced. However sufficient to increase the intensity of the incident photons to obtain a temperature increase ad-nausea.
is, in principle it is possible to heat an object to a temperature as high as you want just by increasing the intensity of the radiation of a specific frequency which receives material.
And yet There is a limit to the material temperature can reach to be heated by any source of heat at a certain frequency spectrum, which corresponds to the temperature of the heater. And this is because the maximum intensity that is capable of receiving a material is limited by the geometry of the world, which will be explained later. But before a couple of machines that generate free free energy (from heat).
Suppose we have a solid hollow walls emit radiation only inwards and not outwards in the case of thermal radiation from the temperature itself which is the material. The gap also is solid in thermal equilibrium and heat exchange inside is done primarily by radiation. This solid hollow has the form of a hollow sphere and in its center there is a smaller area in which converge the radiation emitted by the walls. The area of \u200b\u200bthe shell can be made as large as desired so that the power incident on the lower area can be increased as much as you want, and therefore its temperature may rise as much as you want. Then you could put a heat engine operating between two heat reservoirs at different temperatures (the shell and the small sphere) with the corresponding Carnot efficiency. So as to extract the thermal energy of the system, while also reducing its entropy.
This time a lens is responsible for increasing the intensity absorbed by the sphere.
Suppose we have a small sphere inside a room either, you may indicate radiation from all solid angles , but at the end of each of these addresses will have a surface is at a given temperature. The intensity of the radiation received by the area of \u200b\u200bthese areas depends on the areas distant from the latter, which is growing by the square of the distance found and depend on the spread of radiation also increases the rate the square of the distance that is. So that is irrelevant distance which are the walls of the enclosure and its geometry, as the radiation incident on the field is always the same.
therefore the intensity on the field will be the same although the site is another area that is at an infinitesimal distance from the lower area. In this configuration would have two surfaces with the same radiated area between them, so that if A is at a higher temperature than B then A radio more than B and B is cooled as it heats. Therefore, the equilibrium is reached at the point in which both radiate the same, same temperature.
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