Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lilli Carati And Rocco Siffredi


In the preceding text was used a experiment to be performed should yield a result content in the following groups:

A) The register notes interference.
B) The record no interference is found.

is clear that the outcome of an experiment is one, such as result obtained by an experimenter in a given experiment can not be a bulb same bulb off and on.

was analyzed the result that might shed the experiment from two viewpoints:

A) From the viewpoint of external observer notes interference.
B) From the point of view of an internal observer finds no interference.


Suppose then that the outside observer opened the box checked that there has been interference, then start a dialogue with the internal observer which he necessarily finds that the result matches the he has gained and further that the interference pattern had been gradually approaching the final result.

But there is more, the internal observer can make the external finding the atom has never declined and B while the door has remained open all the time and that theory is out of the result. Naturally, when it appears that only one door is open there can be no interference.

So in this case, both observers can make the following assumptions, given the circumstances.



A key interpretation crosstalk multiple stories in which a particular story will affect all the other stories possible. That is, despite the fact that internal observer sees only one door is open, there is a parallel story in which the other door that is open is producing an interference pattern between them.

This hypothesis varies on the Everett interpretation of an important issue in Everett interpretation is assumed to know the wave function obtained from measurements of the wave function is determined future, said in a flat , when the wave function collapses begins to run from that collapse. That is according to this interpretation would not have interference once the observer has found that a door is closed. To be able to explain the outcome of the experiment imply that the interpretation presented is not necessarily possible from measurements on the state of an electron For example, guess what will its wave function, since this electron would be affected by events to which there is no access. Put simply when the wave function collapses into one phase, the other modes that would otherwise be discarded interfering.


Without the need for multiple stories, a second hypothesis could say that since the internal observer has been defined at the time in which the outside observer had access to the results of the experiment and not before, the internal observer is not qualified to talk about what happened while the experiment was being made or order to be taken seriously their predictions. Is not a valid benchmark for forecasting. Plainly, the internal observer would be a pushover.

However there is no reason why a set of atoms such as internal observer would be better or worse physical assertions reference to another set of atoms that is the outside observer. Both two should be able to the same extent to make predictions about the experiment and therefore conclude that there is a paradox in the interference, and given that there have been no more accept the principle hypotheses I.


This would mean that any collapse of the wave function inside the box as measured by the internal observer, represents a collapse of the wave function for the observer who is outside the box. That is, although the outside observer is not in any way by measuring what happens inside the box, not can treat the system within the enclosure as a wave function that evolves until it is collapsed by the external observer in the observation that occurs when you open the box, but the wave function of what happens inside the box is constantly collapsing and producing events even if there is an experimenter.

time the electron wave function emerging from the focus goes where the doors, the wave function associated with the doors and collapsed for all observers and so that the electron does not experience interference. This electron then collapsed on the screen when the conditions exist to do so.


In my opinion if done the experiment of the gates the result would be that there is no interference, and therefore accept that the interpretation presented in the previous paragraph is correct. One way to simplify the practical realization of the experiment would be that instead of a breakup would be the detection of the direction of spin of an electron belonging to a pair of electrons of opposite spins.


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