Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Outer Labia Stretching


is an experiment similar to Schrödinger's Cat and truth is conceived as a method to determine experimentally whether an alleged cat in the box or is alive or dead, or is in a superposed state of both. As will be seen no cat and not infringe the rights of animals, which is a source of great satisfaction.

A plutonium atom inside a shell, the atom has a probability of decay in a given period of time. Depending on whether the atom decays or not the following will happen:

  • If the atom decays, then the door B is closed and the door to open. If the atom
  • does not decay, then the door A door closed and B open.

In the Middle of the box is a source that continuously emits electrons, the electrons may pass through the doors is proudly if A and B, and then be registered on the screen P. The diagram of the impact sites of each electron in P is stored in an internal register. All the housing is closed for a period, after which it opens and enter the registry of the impacts of each electron.


It is about to observe experimentally the resulting diagram once the box has been opened and has accessed the record. Will the doors half open and half closed, and there will be diffraction pattern with interference, or does not have the diffraction diagram?. The implications of either outcome are different and interesting.

theoretical solution

In principle, the diagram on the screen will show the module to the square of the sum of the wave amplitudes for all possible states of the system. Recalling the notation of Dirac:

x z = Amplitude THROUGH X Y Z
where is the waterfall located just a scientist who is dedicated to being there peacefully in contemplative mood. There seems no reason why the result of scientific experiment for the outside fence to change, since the inner scientist has the same effect in the experiment that could have a stone placed there.
But now scientist whatever happens inside the atom, will always find that one door was closed and therefore the diagram on the screen is either:

O While

In no case matches what scientist find out when you open the box.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Where Does The Hiv Rash Occur



For example we know that in reality in the city many people live in buildings and few in the streets, if it is represented on a graph would be that strong discontinuities. Instead if you represent in each point the average number of inhabitants per square meter in a radius of 20 meters could have a function "almost" continuous "roll. Although the population density does not respond point by point with reality not appear to be a bad idea to use as a guide for building in the city depending on which areas etc equipment.
The volume of a city can be used for certain uses, which may be listed:

Housing: citizens staying Transportation: roads and other

offers several: shops, workplaces etc.




false false

T is the density of transport networks S S = p * P + T + t * o * O
where letters are constants and S
is the value that is saturated.
  • To calculate the maximum possible in this city tour you must first determine what percentage of the population that is trying to go somewhere, this percentage will be called k . This population will be on the roads so that the population density on the road is
  • k * P
  • . If T (input flow) you divide this amount
  • k * P (the tube section ) would get the speed at which this population is displaced by highways. So you have to V = T / (k * P) .
Assuming constant k to save the integration, and I feel
the time available has to be the most feasible route by a citizen in this city is X = (T * t) / (2k * P) , who is also the radius of the circle or sphere to which you can access the city, or seen another way is the radius from which citizens can get a certain point. The 2 includes the need to contemplate the return journey.

As is reasonable, the access area decreases with density and increases the capacity of transport.

UNITS Units must be consistent between them, this is sufficient, but to establish a system: k = dimensionless P = hab/m2 T = (m * rm) / (s * m2) T = seconds
X = meters
V = m / s

the simplistic model, we see that yields results. There is a city where land can be used to make roads or buildings. T
is proportional to the area devoted to roads and

P is proportional to the area occupied by buildings and the number of floors H of these. Also the higher the building the greater the time spent down the elevator, the time lost responding to
H / v
    are building plants
  • speed v
  • plants / second lift.
  • E
  • is defined as the proportion of buildings, then the proportion of roads is
  • (1-E)
  • . Therefore
  • T = c (1-E) where
  • c
  • is a constant, on the other hand
  • P = d * E * H
. The time available
t is obtained by subtracting the total time tt
time spent in the elevator, thus remaining
t = tt-2 * H / v
by up and down. It is seen that there are many parameter, eye can try to give some values \u200b\u200bfor a typical city such as Bilbao. Data: k = 0.3, it is expected that this percentage at certain times of day the inhabitants are all trying to go somewhere. Tt
= 7200 seconds, ie people willing to spend 2 hours on their travels round-trip.
hab/m2 d = 0.04, ie every 25 m2 of floor of city home to a resident if roads are built. v = 0.125 plants / s, ie one plant every 8 seconds, taking into account the need to call the lift .. c = 1.2 (m * rm) / (s * m2), with note that at an average speed of 10m / s in the city there 0.12hab/m2 on the road (if moving more slowly would have more inhabitants) X = 50,000 feet, assume that interest is reached that distance as in this area are the factories and so on. Substituting
all in the formula of distance, it was time the MathType:

  • Normal
  • 0
  • 21
  • false false false

false false false



Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lilli Carati And Rocco Siffreddi


Normal 0 21

false false false

One aspect to consider in the chain of numbers is the possibility that this is compressed in some way. Compression understood as the process by which the figures are modified string obtained from another chain which is possible to deduce the original chain, a conclusion that is done by using a user manual. Given a string of data is possible that this is somehow his directions. You may be in two stages:

The compressed string is less than the original: The incorporation of sequences encoding algorithms lead to a decrease in the net length of the string. Podridse think the classic saying "give me the position and velocity of each particle and find out the future "
. will say that is reducible if there is some compression that reduces its length.
The compressed string is greater than the original:
When compression leads to an increase in the original string. Among other modes possible, it can happen when you remove a portion of a reducible chain. will say that is irreducible if there is some compression that reduces its length.
A string on a given compression will be minimal where there is no compression on the same chain lesser extent.

Moreover, in so far as a string of data can be compressed in one or several different ways can be classified as follows:

The string is compressible at least univocal:
minimum compressive When the chain is unique.

is compressible chain multiple minimum: minimum compressive When the chain is manifold.

For example applied the scientific method can say that a theory is a low multiple to be minimal when there are other scientific theories that compress the body of scientific data to the same extent.
  2. Given a string that contains instructions that is uncompressed, the necessary and sufficient condition for the network to be meaningful is that it can be compressed, because that has meaning implies that there is a rule or instruction to obey the chain.
  3. For example, when a technician looks through a scope set of electrical pulses that stimulate a speaker when listening to the radio may find that the string contains instructions (sounds in a range, the use of certain phenomena and the use of language) at this level for the technical brainy string of pulses containing instructions and therefore is meaningless. In addition, for the listener of radio pulses chain as it passes driving subwoofer carries an obvious meaning, as a song for example. Now since the string may have no single compression, meaning it can not be unique.

Assume the existence of a chain uncompressed data that either changes over time, or is behaving so it seems that evolves into a variable called time. Suppose further that a possible compression of the chain sets out principles to enable it to develop an evolutionary game. Success evolution can be seen as a tier "biological" data is hegemonic in the chain total to sequence this sequence will affect the environment around you and the environment surrounding sequences affecting this sequence, and this mutual involvement will be under the instructions obtained from a possible compression noun (uncompressed) of the total chain. You could say we have a string of data which means the evolutionary game, at this point is important to note the following:

  1. At no time is necessary for representing the physical reality has tangible chain, the chain could be compressed written say a notepad and be developed by a retired accountant. Or maybe the chain is already developed in a notepad, it seems that people there described may also find the difference and there will be no need to book it develops.
  2. chain perse extended data is meaningless unless the algorithms that are compressed, and these algorithms is established are such that the sequence of bits is interpreted as a biological organism and say everything in its environment occurs as the essence of a biological scenario. There may be another form of compression, but this is used.
  3. 's experience with life on Earth, a good way to choose to have some evolutionary success is that the data stream means an organism means to obtain information from other sequences that mean the environment is understood. For example, in the printed version would be helpful if an organization could capture the proximity to a source of high temperature to go no closer. This requires you to exist in the algorithm considered the possibility that a given sequence affects the environment in a particular way to a sequence of the organism and then the whole body change position, which is nothing else that a change in data string that are understood as position.

the Mongoose

Suppose the book in its development of the data stream has been written on a sheet of block one data stream that can be understood as a mongoose living in the bush African.

  1. 0
  2. 21

false false false


Moreover since the internal states as the stringing of reactions are primarily instructions and data underlying the system, representations emerge from the system.

not shown clear as possible a representation of the world can emerge in a chain built on a block, but if one accepts that an entity will have representation of things if you are able to overcome some variant of the Turing Test then you should accept that fact in the emerging block representations of the world, since the universe encoded in the block may contain a team of professors who engage in chores such as making Turing Test and be overcome.

Multiple representations

Suppose that the internal states able to provide meaningful information to two hypothetical being is living under the spaces of a string of letters. For example
xfytrr would be a certain internal state obtained from gathering individual states 6.

Suppose further that living things respond in some way address these internal states, linking action. Moreover, the manner in which these internal states have chained the final action generates a representation for the living. Assume that the representation is the color of squares arranged in a grid.

the grid is this:


false false false


21 false false false


not dispute the fact that our representation of the world is more successful than any other known, states that may have representation in the world regardless of their success, according to the underlying data structure and operations characteristic of being in question.