Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What Bra By Victorias Secret Small Boobs

In the early eighties bands that emerged some time later would be classified as representatives of the Urban Rock. I have long argued that many of these had a peak in terms of musical quality, but that if the recordings always had to adjust to economic circumstances and the producers of the moment, for better or worse, forged a particular sound and style. Some bands were: Mara, Blues Boys, Heavy Nopal, Trolley, Isis, Transmetal (this played Merol but at the time) and Tex-Tex, to name a few. Today, this style of music has been stalled, which could evolve and offer an alternative, has led to endless groups not only have a recording sound terrible, also lack original ideas and letters or tell . As musicians, I do not say they are bad, but many of these are the most closed and appear not to risk trying experience with new sounds and draw on other genres. Finally, a few months ago began airing a reality show character "Charlie Montana" and the truth is that the type not only causes a laugh atascón also provides a better picture about the environment which surrounds and its lifestyle at a time, mixing a great levity to situations that can only be understood if one has had contact with the urban reality of Mexico City.


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