Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What Bra By Victorias Secret Small Boobs

In the early eighties bands that emerged some time later would be classified as representatives of the Urban Rock. I have long argued that many of these had a peak in terms of musical quality, but that if the recordings always had to adjust to economic circumstances and the producers of the moment, for better or worse, forged a particular sound and style. Some bands were: Mara, Blues Boys, Heavy Nopal, Trolley, Isis, Transmetal (this played Merol but at the time) and Tex-Tex, to name a few. Today, this style of music has been stalled, which could evolve and offer an alternative, has led to endless groups not only have a recording sound terrible, also lack original ideas and letters or tell . As musicians, I do not say they are bad, but many of these are the most closed and appear not to risk trying experience with new sounds and draw on other genres. Finally, a few months ago began airing a reality show character "Charlie Montana" and the truth is that the type not only causes a laugh atascón also provides a better picture about the environment which surrounds and its lifestyle at a time, mixing a great levity to situations that can only be understood if one has had contact with the urban reality of Mexico City.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Générateur De Cd Kay Mount Blade

Mine, mine is ...

Apart from Full Mental Jacket, is the electro (ebm, synth pop, 8-bit ...) Just enough to feel the power of severe waves and pulse rate for wanting to jump, move and hitting the phenomenon or subject that is next door.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What Color Blush Makes You Look Tan?


still remember when every street in my neighborhood had his gang and all the "supporters youth "identified with the rocker lifestyle-Urban eighties. Knew much about them, eg where getting the drug and kept marijuana on the boards of the walls. On the other hand, we knew who were good for putazos and what were the guys who used to brag to their guns. In this environment I learned of the existence of bands like The Chaplins, Los Charales or Hawkins. The fight for territory was basic and no one could sell drugs, assault or cause unrest in areas beyond, all part of a Status Quo. But all this ended in the mid-nineties, several heads began to fall after receiving a spray of lead or curves. The weaker gang retreated and ended that continued in the prison of Santa Martha Acatitla.

For a period I that those daily scenes of violence had been so far, but the reality is different, now a teen asshole wants to assault you outside your house or try to kidnap the daughter of the grocer. A couple of weeks ago a trio of little kids (who came from Neza) tried to assault a girl, to her misfortune, captured one of them in their attempt to escape on a scooter. At other times he had saved a skewers in the digestive system (in the old way, of course), but many parents preferred to keep those memories and resolved spirited fun with the guy before calling the police. So half an hour more brought to light the most primitive methods of torture: Classics hits (with an iron wire), low blows, the chile in the eyes, respiratory tract hydrotherapy and, of course, could not miss the extremist who suggested setting fire to a little gas he had found. I think without doubt that anyone wishing to come to these streets to alter the order in such a way must bear the consequences, is idiocy, an irreverence, not saying that I want back the old days, but I think it should be clear people do not forget their origins, their habits.