Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Wire In Kidde Smoke Detector Keeps Beeping

One Love / Abortion / Abortion


Refinishing A Metal Daybed

The abortion in four minutes
Very good
By Martha Morales

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Do Mexicans Like Indians?

10 Reasons Abstinence in courtship


1. The purity helps to have good communication with your partner
When a couple lives sexual abstinence, their communication is good because it focuses only on pleasure but on the joy of sharing views and experiences, also talks deeper. By contrast, physical intimacy is an easy way to relate but eclipsed other forms of communication. It is a way of avoiding real work involved in emotional intimacy, and talk about deep personal issues and work on the basic differences between the two.

2. Grows friendly side of your relationship
Physical closeness can lead to teens think they are emotionally close, when in fact they are not. A romantic relationship is essentially to cultivate a friendship, and there is no friendship without speaking and without sharing interests. Personal conversation creates bonds of friendship, and helps you discover the other, who knows his faults and qualities. Some young people are driven by passion and when you know in depth, become disenchanted. And do not know because they did not become friends, but boyfriends rights.

3. There is a better relationship with parents Family
When both men and women who respect each other, mature and enhance their love of friendship with the parents of both. Usually, parents prefer their children to live unmarried sexual continence, and feel bad if they know they are sexually active without being married. When a couple knows he must hide their sexual relations, growing on them the guilt and stress. The couple who live the purity is more cordial relations with parents and the couple themselves.

4. You look more open to question if that suits you
Sex have the power to unite two people with strength, and can extend an unhealthy relationship based on physical attraction or the need for security. A person may feel "trapped" in a relationship that would leave it in background does not want it but can not find the exit. A virtuous person can more easily break the bond that ties him to the other as there has been an intimacy so powerful in appearance.

5. Generosity is fostered against egotism
Sex in courtship, inviting the selfishness and self-satisfaction, tend to feel in competition with others who may be more attractive to their partner. It fosters insecurity and selfishness then start to come into intimate, inviting more and more demand.

6. There is less risk of physical or verbal abuse
Sex outside marriage is associated with violence and other forms of abuse. For example, there is more than twice as physical aggression among couples living together without commitment, that among married couples. There is less jealousy and less selfishness in dating couples who live the purity in which they are driven by passion.

7. Increases the repertoire of ways to show affection
The couple are living abstinence details "new" to show affection with inventiveness and wit to hang out and demonstrated each other's interest. The relationship becomes stronger and have more opportunity to know about his character, habits and how to maintain a relationship.

8. Are more likely to succeed in marriage
Research has shown that couples who have cohabited are more likely to divorce than those who had not cohabited.

9. If you decide to "break" this relationship will hurt less
The ties that create sexual activity in nature, linked strongly, then, if there is a break, it intensifies the pain of breaking the links forged. When there have been intimate, and decide to separate, the separation is less devastating.

10. You'll feel better as a person
Sexually active adolescents often lose self-esteem and allowed to live with guilt. When they decide to ignore the physical intimacy and live chastely, they feel like new and grow as individuals. In addition, improve their intellectual, artistic and social. To sex is not played. When you push someone, think about what you're replying: "I ask only once, and not insist more" / "That is just what worries me. I prefer to keep me for someone who will love me a lifetime. "

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Genital Examination When?

The Courtship seriously

The courtship is a time of preparation for marriage in which, by mutual agreement, a man and a woman, started an exclusive relationship, you may end up falling in love. It is a passing phase of mere sympathy or simple "please" to a new relationship of greater knowledge, which must investigate if there is a moral and spiritual identification, or if no such compatibility. Rebecca Reynaud
Dating, their need and love

Dating is, by its very nature a transient condition, which ends in marriage or breakup. Experience shows that it is best to be brief courtship, a year maybe, but not because they start the "Trusts" and can "fall" because love is itself unitive. As a force, not the shoes come, just the will of either party to stop the compromise.
The psychology of man and woman are different. A woman lies when he speaks. A man is tired when he speaks. Male Intelligence: The other way of feeling is different from mine.
Love is wanting the good, it is not easy to pursue the good of others because There is a strong tendency to selfishness. That good that we offer to the loved one must be a real asset to be something that improves, not only benefit me me.
When we want to teach a person to love, to refrain, to be kind. The best way to love is to fight to be kind, in the deepest sense of the word.
love is to that person to develop, better and reach the fullness to which it is called. Amar is applauding God is saying, "With this one you've worn themselves."

A situation such
Write a young girl: I want to share with young people Today, the experience I had. I have 20 years and a month ago I started a relationship. My boyfriend said he did not want our courtship was sensual. Over the days he began to be very loving and hugging me in public. I thought and I thought we were going too fast. I understood why it is difficult to self and find why so many teenagers get carried away by the fire of passion and have an unwanted pregnancy. Passion turns in a matter of minutes. It took the unimaginable decide to talk to him because it means accepting a very weak and the beloved.
The dialogue was more or less as follows.
-Miguel: I do not feel comfortable Moreover, I feel bad not beat me in this field. I want to kiss you all the time and I was uncomfortable. - How !..., do not you like? "Of course I like, but I'm afraid of what might come after failing to control the situation right now. The strokes do not stay at one level, rising in pitch. Moreover, I see no good to see us every day. The passion can disguise of "necessity" of "love" and if not cut from the beginning, then we will regret ... "I ... I agree, I think the same thing and I appreciate that you told me that because I did not have the strength to cope.
I thanked my comment because it considered an important step to grow as a couple. We pledged to defeat us in this area and waive the daily kiss. It is not that I ever kissed, but they are not passionate kisses, and there are always times and places to give that kiss. I do not know why nobody talks about the behavior that should be dating.
ultimate Love
During courtship defects are not seen, after a time they are discovered, and it breaks many marriages. People often say that love is blind. The blind is not love but hatred. When a person falls in love sees the good and bad. Goodness is clearly sees his true self.
Carlos Cardona: "We come from a divine act of love, and our whole life has to consist essentially of love. The understanding of love is to understand the entire universe, and so very special understanding of the spiritual child of the person. "
Trivia featuring Scott Hahn : A teacher went to visit Paris, a weekend, accompanied by two students. They saw a prostitute standing on a corner. They saw that his teacher turned to her and asked:
- What do you charge? "Fifty dollars. - No, it's too little. - Ah, yes, for Americans are $ 150. "It's still very little. - Ah, course!, the weekend rate is $ 500. "Even that is too cheap. By then the woman and was somewhat irritated. "So much worth to you? "Ma'am, I can never pay you what it's worth, but let me talk to someone who already has.
The Bible speaks of the value of the body, and says something that many young people today ignore, "You were bought at a great price. Therefore glorify God in your body (1 Cor 6.20). The body is not for fornication but for the Lord (1 Cor 6.13). Do not you know that your bodies are members of Christ (1 Cor 6.15).
Love and what is not
Being a person is so great that no one falls short, but another person.
Clive Staples Lewis said that "human love are really like God, but only by similarity, not by proxy. (...) The natural loves coming to become gods do not remain loves. Continue calling well, but in fact can become complicated forms of hatred. "
A teenager could love, but how do you know if you really love your girlfriend? The only way to know is to ask if you do best, student, child, friend, if coming from with it's better grades and more than in dealing with family and with teachers and peers. And she likewise. These are manifestations of that is loving the other (a) of truth.
When someone says, "I have no time," we must ask: "why" because time is long. Today, we have no time for friendship because we have lost the love of friendship. For love to grow it is necessary to overcome difficulties, so it is contradictory for a hard-to-be sought divorce because it keeps the love grows. To overcome this difficulty I have to learn to love.
We need to say things without bitterness, without hurting, but in a positive way. We all know to be cruel. We can destroy the other or we can qualify. Never use the verb "be", "You" is a trial Overall, it is always unjust best: "You have done so."
The key question as to whether I'm in love: If you had an accident, I still love the same?

Friday, March 17, 2006

Is Ginkgo Tea Is Safe

What's in a condom? God and sex

The enthusiastic promotion of condoms by some means to promote a particular view of sexuality and sexual behavior standards. This necessitates a reflection on the philosophy of condoms. Do not be surprised, because a condom, like most things in life, has its philosophy, which explains their deeper.

Condoms product
an ideology about sexuality
completely separating sex from love.

The condom is really old. He never had great success, due not only to her discomfort, but especially to their low levels of efficiency.

its invention is attributed to a Dr. Condom, who had been alarmed by the numerous illegitimate offspring of Charles II of England. The earliest description of condoms was made by the anatomist Gabriel Fallopius in 1564. The first condom was made from animal intestines. When Charles Goodyear discovered the vulcanization process gum in 1839 began to use condoms with somewhat more successful as a contraceptive.

With the advent of hormonal contraceptives to the 60 twentieth century, perhaps many have thought that the condom will become a museum piece, because modern contraception seeks above all to the safety of pregnancy impossible ... (which On the other hand is something they can not get ... nor tubal ligation ...).

Even the most enthusiastic promoters of the sexual revolution may have suspected that in a few years become a condom bedet. This is because the sexual revolution unleashed an epidemic of disease transmission sexual unprecedented in history. Currently in USA one in five adults has an incurable STD. Have reappeared almost defeated diseases (such as syphilis, who walks with infection levels similar to those that existed before the invention of penicillin) and appeared many new ones: the number of STDs has increased tenfold! The epidemic was open and notorious in the 80's with the onset of AIDS.

In those consequences of the sexual revolution, along with the rise in teenage pregnancies and extra-marital sex, abortion, infertility, sexual violence, incest, rape, child abuse, pornography, marriage decline, growth divorce, homosexuality, prostitution, etc .-, their mentors were launched to search for a solution to further disseminate its sexual ideology with less risk for physical health. Then, they rediscovered the condom as a new messiah. This "ally" is both a disseminator of ideology itself.

In recent years we have worked hard to give condoms a "honor" that he never had, considering the savior of humanity against the STD epidemic. And I want to convert the overnight star in the prevention campaigns of the same.

The condom always had extra-marital connotations, and since the onset of AIDS, it has been conceptually united more than ever to promiscuity and STDs. Although he wants to look good, do not.

The condom is associated with a type of sex divorced from love. Usually people see sex and love as two realities that should be inseparable. But if you think in terms of condoms, love is out of the question, because one sex involving condoms which must "take care" without love. And this is almost by definition.

Here: Condoms

  • assume promiscuity. By definition, if we are trying to avoid getting STD's because one of the two, or two, are promiscuous. At the same time, assume a non-permanent. When you hear talk about condoms, we automatically relate to casual sex. Therefore, it advertised as something you have to have on hand ... by the occasion arises to use it ...
  • means promoting condoms promote a mindset very dangerous for society and individuals. The awareness that the only concern when sex is no STDs or procreate. Reduce sex to a recreational activity: a game of pleasure. The consequences of this mindset are evident. Condoms
  • assume infidelity by definition, have sex with a stranger / a. Condoms do not seem to promote love, but rather its opposite, infidelity.
  • presuppose a degradation of sexuality. Sex "preserved" is sex without commitment, sex without love, sex for pleasure. It promotes a kind of sex education reduced to mere sexual hygiene technique ... the results are paradoxically an increase of STDs ...
  • Condoms assume lack of confidence. Moreover, they promote it. One of the latest announcements promoting condoms, warning of the need not to trust: the message was that the trust does not rid you of AIDS and condoms yes. If I use a condom or requiring its use, basically because I guess the other person has frequent sexual encounters with other casual partners. So I try to avoid acquiring, through him / her, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) than their other partners may have. Condoms
  • presuppose a selfish sexuality as it is a sexuality that does not unite, but ensures that those who join remain "separate" .. Condoms
  • assume that the other person: "you're dangerous to me." "Let me use your body but do not ask me to trust you or love you." I shall preserve, protect me, but from whom? Protect me the person who theoretically should want. Assume that I have to defend myself from my partner (of their fertility and disease).
  • Condoms are a new version of love. Instead of saying "I love you forever, till death do us part", say "I love you as long as there is a piece of rubber separating us."

Condom promotion is a dishonest and frivolous philosophy
campaigns with lies, half truths and hidden truths

  • Why people lie ensuring that there is security? How can it be that condoms protect you against AIDS when it is not effective or as a contraceptive (has "failure rate (failure rate) of 10-15%). But the AIDS virus is 450 times smaller than a sperm ... is irresponsible not a campaign that not telling the whole truth in a matter so important? If cigarette packets is required to alert the smoker that smoking is injurious to health ... why not noticed how bad it is promiscuity? Why not be concluded that even using condoms can spread person? Why the fear that people know that condoms are not the ultimate solution?
  • Why hide the fact that condoms do not provide absolute protection against AIDS? It is true that lower the risk of infection when you have sex with a person who has AIDS ... because if you do not have sex or have someone who does not have AIDS ... the risk is zero. So would not it be logical to recommend that healthy young people do not have sex, at least not have them with someone who has AIDS? Because in that case there is no risk of contagion at all. It seems clear that to get AIDS you have to look ... and that just can not come. Do not forget to reduce the risk of transmission is not the same as avoiding it altogether.
  • If you promote the use of condoms 're promoting promiscuity. The most basic statistic shows that if you multiply the events, the probability of obtaining a result ends up becoming a certainty. An example will help understand this better. If you roll a dice, the probability that 2 is one in six. But if you throw the given twenty times, the probability of getting a 2 is very high, and if you throw 60, it is almost certain. This shows that promoting condom use to stop the spread of AIDS involves the long term, spread it more because you are encouraging the very means of transmission. This logic does not seem so difficult to understand.
  • A tough paradox: some will not get AIDS through the use of condoms. Others will contract precisely because the security falsely attributed to condoms led them to have sex.
  • When it comes to condom protection levels, we talk about people using it forever (and this is stressed because there are few who, unfaithful to their partners, are as true to the condom) and as appropriate ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Federal agency of the United States has a long list of instructions on how to use a condom to work). This makes the values \u200b\u200battributed to the condom efficacy trials, studies, etc. are far from being valid for the man in the street. In fact, studies on the effectiveness of condoms have the highest values \u200b\u200bamong prostitutes, who just happen to be the experts on the subject, how could it be otherwise. It seems that to achieve these levels of efficiency, which is never total, will have to acquire practice and experience of these ladies ... they are the best users. But ... be good to achieve such mastery and skill in the art?
  • Why not say that, sometimes, the condom is useless? When the condom is presented as the great savior of mankind, the new Messiah who will protect against STDs, the problem is not just percentages efficiency, as this varies by type of STD. And there are some incurable STD for which the condom provides virtually no protection. The case of herpes, HPV, and some others. It never says ... funny huh?

Some questions and quite hypocritical

  • do to be so condom promotion and no promotion of the only sure way to avoid all STDs, abstinence ? Will you have to do with it free ...? Why this fear to speak of chastity ... like a bad word? Would you be embarrassed or ideological motives behind it?
  • Why such insistence on the use of condoms is not encouraged people to get tested to know if positive or not? Why the taboo to tell those who have the virus, "Please do not keep infecting people," and only recommend using condoms? The problem is the fear of the truth. Is it really better "cover" relatively risk to get or be spread to know if I have or if you have it (the virus course)?
  • may seem discriminatory, but perhaps could be promoted something like: "if you want to avoid AIDS do not sleep with someone who does. "I do not think that is something discriminatory not going to bed with an HIV carrier.
  • Who pays all the campaigns promoting condoms?" You may have money for this and not Medicare? Is it not because the condom is also a contraceptive? Could it be that condom promotion campaigns are also campaigns disguised contraception?
  • "If you know you have to use it, what are you waiting for?". What more tender message ... Are they saying will also rapists? "If you do, be civilized ... do so with a condom and she will have no objection ... "
  • lovers condom
    given as final argument realism. People say, can not avoid promiscuous sexual contacts. Then, at least, we must encourage do so in the least peligrosa.Pero the premise is not true. Who would accept to have sex with the most attractive person in the universe knows that he has AIDS? Nobody. So there will not be changing their tactics "and to two people are for having sex, rather than encourage them to go out and buy and use condoms, would not it be better and healthier to encourage them to sleep together before you make a analysis to know if they are free of STDs, so they can share the bed more quiet?

promote condom use implies:

  • Promote this irresponsible sexuality. In seeking to remove all of the exercise of sexuality, sex itself is irresponsabiliza. Sex "presevatico are unaware of the painful emotional consequences, psychological, emotional, relational, etc. promiscuity.
  • promote promiscuity. Encourage people to have sex indiscriminately. Condoms being sold a product when it is encouraged to promote people to increase their sexual activity (only way you need it). Selling condoms is a business that depends on the levels of promiscuity: the more promiscuous, more business for manufacturers, traders, etc. But while the more promiscuous, the greater the spread of HIV. Invite
  • infected people having sex and thus increase the risk of contagion. It gives a false security. It is as if to say: "if you have AIDS do not sweat it, why not deprive you of sex. If you use a condom, you're very responsible, because you can not infect your partner." It promotes irresponsibility of those infected in a very dangerous.
  • think that sex is a recreational activity. Reduce sex pleasure only, separate from love and any other responsibilities. Sex is just a fun game, the only responsibility regarding the issue is to prevent disease. Promoting condoms are telling "Andáte to bed with anyone you meet on the street as long as you 'responsible' using a condom."
  • suggest that fidelity and abstinence are impossible and that infidelity is a good thing, or at least indifferent. The only bad thing is the possibility of pregnancy or infection (in fact for the promoters of condoms, pregnancy is the worst of diseases).
  • despise, you are implicitly saying that you're an animal, you're not able to control yourself to yourself. Like the rest of the animals are determined by your sexual drive and you can only follow. Your very freedom is to use a condom.
  • promote distrust in relationships. You are saying "do not trust your partner", he / she may be infected and be cheating. Use it / her to extract pleasure from him / her, but tené careful not infect you
  • Promote your selfishness. You are saying, "Do not worry if he / she is sick, I just thought fun in you, use it / a. If you are sick, that's not your problem, your only concern is pleasure. "

The underlying problem

is not demonize condoms. For many, the issue of its use is out of the question for reasons other health eternal health: do not recommend or use them for his worst side effect is sent to hell because it is a mortal sin. But the truth is that since normally presuppose premarital sex or homosexual or infidel, from the point of view of sin, the truth is they do not add too much evil ... This is not where the problem lies.

Here we are not talking about eternal salvation, but a public health campaign funded with our money (the taxpayers have contributed) and promotion of behavior patterns.

I am not opposed to those who want, exercising their freedom to use condoms. Beyond them, everyone is master of his actions, and slave of its decisions (as we are not free to establish the consequences of our actions).

What does not seem logical that the State will become the champion of condoms and basic public health campaign to prevent STDs in something that does not prevent them. And he refuses to tell the truth: the only sure means of prevention is fidelity in monogamy. And that lie by attributing to condoms that do not have power.

So I do not trust condoms.
And ... please do not let them treat you like you're an idiot

By Paul Writes